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  1. ricco61

    Scorched plants Too hot!

    Yea theres a ton of places, I'm going to invest in some new plants and try to carry on with the sun damaged plants. So far day 2 the plants remaining leaves are still healthy and the stems haven't discolored anymore from initial burn. Any suggestions on when to put the plant back into indirect...
  2. ricco61

    Scorched plants Too hot!

    On the upside the leaves that didn't get burned as badly on the bottom are still healthy.
  3. ricco61

    Scorched plants Too hot!

    I moved both of the plants inside last night and have been misting them all day so ill continue with that. I did water it after the damage had happened thinking it would help but I'm a fool. Appreciate the reply man.
  4. ricco61

    Scorched plants Too hot!

    So no chance of recovery?
  5. ricco61

    Scorched plants Too hot!

    I'm a newbie and first time grower in So Cal. The other day I had to stay later after shift, by the time I got home my plants had been scorched in the sun. Should I cut my loses and start over or can my plant recover? Days before burn 2nd photo :( Also any tips to a speedy recovery if it is...