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  1. L

    Trichomes turning green?

    sounds good ill play around with it when its on its light cycle its in dark right now. also from the pics what would you guess or is it to hard to tell cuz the lighting? my king bud pic is added of what its sitting at now. also another post on here i posted this plant from age, its a none...
  2. L

    First grow help,,, pics attached

    honestly man i wouldnt panic at all, i know im new to this forum and im also a very new grower. even with a crappiest set up with no nutrients ever added using a walmart soil for tomatoes and herbs it showed those signs, i would slowly take the really bad ones off as it grew and flowered, not...
  3. L

    Trichomes turning green?

    ya even with my 30x. because most of my lights are yellow. so when the blue led light from the microscope hits it, it shows it as greenish as i stated in the post above yours :p im clueless if its even close to being done lol
  4. L

    Trichomes turning green?

    im gonna revive this post lol as he/she said about green i think they are getting the same thing im getting with my 30x they look clear/cloudy/and green, and also brownish goldish. they are obviously still images and the history of the plant. is a test plant. the breed is unknown and when i say...