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  1. little dubbie

    Need RDWC root help. Need info on keeping healthy roots.

    dudes, I use sub culture B and M it makes a world of difference in my tanks. I just wasnt getting the good fungus in there. If your changing the tank like we do when it runs dry, then we are loosing all the natural fungus that grows. It works. hydro is not natural remember, it takes a lot to...
  2. little dubbie

    Help!yellow leaves cant solve the problem

    boy thats a tough one. looks like salt damage, or PH, which can fluctuate while adding nuts or not...then watering. But I am actually having the same problem...looks identical to what im dealing with right now..thats why i signed on today. so il watch this link dude sorry homes
  3. little dubbie

    WTF? please, help, any ideas?

    yup hermie, i had one tinny little branch hermie on me late in the game, and fucked the whole room un believable, just two little pods popped never inspected good enough and fuck, there goes the neighborhood
  4. little dubbie

    Whats Wrong with my plant!?!?!?

    PH would be no big deal unless you got limestone like the north east. but only from ground water. youll bet ph problems later in the grow not early. those little fuckers can go a while on shitty ph
  5. little dubbie

    Whats Wrong with my plant!?!?!?

    put a fan on them, make sure they dont get any chlorine or water softner salt shit in your water, and only water when they almost look like they are wilting, you have to make sure the dirt is as dry as possible and those little cups have plenty of drainage. Also ive seen problems with those...
  6. little dubbie

    Whats Wrong with my plant!?!?!?

    what do you use for water? no newts right? how close is the light to them?
  7. little dubbie

    Whats wrong with my plants?

    either get em out of there, or a little trick i tried once sounds crazy but it worked. I put some hperoxide in the water then watered the shit right out of them, i mean several gallons at once. Is the area they are in swampy? cause the ground in the pictures looks fairly dry. The plants are...
  8. little dubbie

    drooping leaves, alittle help please.

    thats strange dude, I wouldnt really worry about it, might be heat and if so you cant do anything about it. I wouldnt worry to much about it, it looks like its in good shape so it will probably pass.
  9. little dubbie

    Deff need some help, not doing something rite.....

    looks like a pH problem, the heat can add to it, but if it started outside then persisted and got worse inside then it probably is not the lights. However, if you change light cycles abruptly like you did, by taking it outside then inside then that may cause some shit also.
  10. little dubbie

    Deff need some help, not doing something rite.....

    What is your nutrient schedule? what are you using? and have you checked the soil PH, and what water are you using?
  11. little dubbie

    is it ready?

    ya dude, one more week then start flushing the fuck out of her. then your good
  12. little dubbie

    Can I cool my reflector and vent my room on the same fan?

    Ya, you will be dealing with alot of heat for sure, small room, big light. I would concentrat on gettin the heat out! as fast as possible, try to suck the heat right from the light and draw new air from a low source, heat exits high, and cool air in from a low source. and remember, a room in...
  13. little dubbie

    ionizer tower fans ?

    I wouldnt mess with any steam dude, seems like a recipe for mold. Once mold takes hold you will battle it forever. I know a guy who just had to move out of his house because of mold, it was all through the walls and carpets because he had a humidifier working in his g-room. Sucks bad. Keep...
  14. little dubbie

    Do i top the very top?

    tie em down, ive never topped em, but i tie the tops down about half way for a couple weeks, and definately get a better yield, usually have four or five cola type buds.
  15. little dubbie

    My BEST harvest yet - 1 gram per watt, finally!

    you poor bastard. i feel for ya, had me goin to. boy that guard dog looks scary as hell. junkyard dog for sure, one eye and three legs
  16. little dubbie

    Good Gawd, and obesity tax? WTF is next???

    welcome to NY< the land of the great exodus. my former public school has a kindergarten class of 7 this year, everyone is leaving.... they want to tax the taxes.
  17. little dubbie

    anybody help!. newb plz look

    o.k. thanks Robert14617 il start using water from the river. see what happens
  18. little dubbie

    anybody help!. newb plz look

    I was thinking that to, i set up a dehumidifier yesterday so maybe they will get better with some time.
  19. little dubbie

    anybody help!. newb plz look

    I was thinking of just using the water from the river, to be safe, would that help? im up north and its not frozen yet but may be soon
  20. little dubbie

    anybody help!. newb plz look

    1000 MH 18 on 6 off