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  1. S

    What is this? please help

    It's good for me, I don't have any more brown trace even with the proroots! Thanks to you!
  2. S

    What is this? please help

    GHE recommends 4gr/10l; I put half a teaspoon in 5l. I'll see; it's still as opaque as ever. Same for the big tank, I put a good spoon for 25l. I will buy a scale ^^ For the initial problem of the topic that I also had, like a brown deposit all over the bin, I proceeded by elimination. For...
  3. S

    What is this? please help

    My silicate is in powder form, how do you measure grams with a syringe? Sorry to ask that^^
  4. S

    What is this? please help

    What is "ro water"? I use tap water, EC at 0.25 I may be using too much silicate, I don't have a scale to weigh it
  5. S

    What is this? please help

  6. S

    What is this? please help

    Yes! And its the same for the big tank, I use GHE silicate
  7. S

    What is this? please help

    It is normal that the water remains opaque just by having put the silicate on and waited 1 hour? Sorry we can't see well on the picture but it's not easy to take "opaque" water in a picture ^^
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    Baguette grower

  9. S

    Baguette grower

    Hi all! I’m Phil, a little french Already a big thank you for this forum. It's great, it's a real mine of information! And you're so far ahead of us, it's incredible. Here in France, I have to struggle to import hydroguard from the UK because we have nothing similar in my country. It's such a...
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    What is this? please help

    Thanks a lot, I’ll try it
  11. S

    What is this? please help

    Hi Same problem at home. I use tripart flora, pro roots, silicate, fulvic. I have this problem with growth and cuttings. I put the tripart and pro roots. For the flowering, I added the silicate badly so it is at the bottom of the tank but the water is clean. And I didn't put proroots. But you...
  12. S

    Best led light?

    Hi, I’m french and here I use this: That work great. Made by french, study in lab for the best results. Its a really good stuff. The best for us here. This guy is passionate for his job; I don’t think we can find better lights in EU...