Search results

  1. L

    Fans, Blowers and Filters

    for a small grow box( 29 by 29 by 63) i would like to have a filter incoming air flow and a filter for outgoing air to reduce smell. does anybody have any suggestions on a filter would work best, different fans, where to locate them ect? and what would be the best way to move air in general...
  2. L

    Marijuana Inc.

    CNBC Marijuana Inc. Inside America’s Pot Industry CNBC will be premiering Marijuana Inc. Inside America’s Pot Industry on Thursday, January 22nd at 9p ET / 10p PT. The marijuana trade has long been one of the country’s leading black market industries. What factors continue...
  3. L

    3 feet deep.

    hello all, hope your having a good one. I will hopefully be growing 3 indicas(sensi star/white rhino maybe? open to suggestions) in the new house I will be moving into. I want to try and grow in the closet, it is tall enough and wide enough but I was going to get your opinion on the depth...
  4. L

    Growing One Strand or a Few?

    I wanted to first of say hello and that I appreciate the activity of the forums and I hope to be using them a lot in the future : ) my question is would you recommend a first timer growing all one strand or finding similar strands that need similar kinds of care for the first time?
  5. L

    101 Already Asked Questions

    thanks man. just registered for this forum to thank you, and I know I will be using it a lot soon. much love!