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  1. K

    Sick / Stressed Plants ( Need help )

    I also had some questions regarding the seedlings I have planted. I placed the seeds (once properly germinated ) in clone boxes. then I transplanted them into Dixie cups. I have just been giving them water nothing else and here is what they are looking like. Any advice/tips would be great...
  2. K

    Sick / Stressed Plants ( Need help )

    Thank you all so much for all the feedback, I am so happy to know there is good people out there that are willing to help out with their knowledge and expertise! I am going to be performing all of the recommendations above, and also I will be posting progress of the health of the plants! Thank...
  3. K

    Sick / Stressed Plants ( Need help )

    I will wait it out, I have attached the most recent pictures of them just to give you an idea, I will them dry and perform the transplant. I will keep taps and updates going. Thanks again!
  4. K

    Sick / Stressed Plants ( Need help )

    Thank you kindly! Do you recommend me waiting until they are dry/healthy before transplanting ?
  5. K

    Sick / Stressed Plants ( Need help )

    Thank you all! I also wanted to add when I lift up the pots, the roots look white, but there are some brown roots.. possibly root bound? I was about to transplant into 15g smartpots, but I wanted to get them healthy before adding more stress into their lives!
  6. K

    Sick / Stressed Plants ( Need help )

    I transplanted from clone, and that's been over 4 weeks, they have never looked healthy, but everything else looks amazing. I was wondering what you think I should do? do a proper flush? or just let them dry out and do just water
  7. K

    Sick / Stressed Plants ( Need help )

    Hello, thanks for taken the time to take a look at this issue! These plants were never really healthy, they have always been stressed out. They are green but they are always sad. The stems are very hard and purple. I have these in coco soil, and water/feed with only pH @ 5.9. As these are...