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  1. P


    that was the most fixed fight i ever seen:finger:
  2. P

    what color are my trichs? great pics! how much longer?

    ummm this is only 2nd grow so needless to say im kinda new...i dont necessarily see any male flowers unless u r talkin about this tiny little white things growin on the stalk...if not could tell me in any of the pix?
  3. P

    what color are my trichs? great pics! how much longer?

    well i did apologize for jumpin in his thread but at least i wasnt really off topic & i wanted a quick reply & notice this was an active thread....anyway since u say it is a hermie should i chop it up now & u think it pollinated my other 2 plants?
  4. P

    what color are my trichs? great pics! how much longer?

    yea well at least i wont have to pay like $20 for 5
  5. P

    ready to harvest?

    yea 1 but i thought i got rid of it early rid of it at 1st sign of balls....& id much rather be stuck with seeds than it be a hermie...especially since its supposed to be a misty & i only have 2 seeds could also explain why im not seein as many crystals as i...
  6. P

    ready to harvest?

    yea a little here n there in strategic places not totally covered...
  7. P

    what color are my trichs? great pics! how much longer?

    ok heres a few more photos 1 & 3 what yer talkin about sayin it could be a hermie? & since it is supposed to be misty i dont mind the seeds too much as i only have 2 left....could explain y im not seein as many crystals as i expected from a white strain cross breed.....
  8. P

    what color are my trichs? great pics! how much longer?

    ummm shit let me see if i can some better pix 4 u...brb
  9. P

    ready to harvest?

    ok sry for the delay with lettin ya know how it turned was pretty killer for 1st grow & bein bagweed...musta been skunk tho..stank something fierce especially after being dried & cured...pretty much 3 hit shit...not some super dank bud but i have had much worse almost...
  10. P


    i dont know about all that...boxing is way too boring & 1 dimensional...even tho the ground game can get boring sometimes at least that option is there...ive seens some krazy ass action on the ground...takes alot of talent to get out of some of that shit....
  11. P

    what color are my trichs? great pics! how much longer?

    sry to break in on your thread but im wondering if any1 can tell me how much longer this plant has left & also unsure if its a true fem...i have been flowering for about 6-7 weeks & in the last week ive noticed what kinda look like balls forming on some of the kinda hoping there just...
  12. P


    dude u dont know me...i been watch ufc & pride since the beginning too & im tellin u griffen took a dive...that was worse than mike tyson vs buster douglas
  13. P


    yea but u can hit griffen in the head with a bat & hed tuirn around & beat yer ass & silva off balence knocked him out with a jab..i dont think so
  14. P


    watch the fight & say that again as if the ufc doesnt benifit from having a black champ....when the other 2 already lost & what about the british bastard beating the deaf dude that fuckin annihilated him
  15. P


    silva vs griffen was fixed like a mother fucker
  16. P

    ready to harvest?

    well since i dont have a microscope ill have to take the yes by pic let yas know in a couple days how it turns out & any & all comments welcomed
  17. P

    ready to harvest?

    hey whats plant had been flowering 4 about 7-8 weeks & im not sure if its ready to harvest yet or not...heres some it ready yet or not? btw this is my 1st hydro grow & its just some bag weed...
  18. P

    Problem: Not sure if flowering or if it's male plant seeds

    i wouldnt think it would be that touchy it is a weed after
  19. P

    Problem: Not sure if flowering or if it's male plant seeds

    well the RO system i got is takes me like 6 hrs to refill the whole reservoir....when i adjusted the ph i took out about 2 gallons & replaced it with fresh RO & nutes & a few days be4 that i did the same thing....u think that will be ok or u think the whole system needs to be flushed...