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  1. Jim Bates

    14 Chances to Win x5 Phoenix Seeds - Vault Promo

    Yo @Gary Seeds from "The Vault" just wanted to say hello & thanx again for all you guys do.! :fire: :peace: :hump: bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:
  2. Jim Bates

    Auto flowering nutrients

  3. Jim Bates

    Auto flowering nutrients

    No I'm not reviewer for. Amazon I am alive time customer though. And as far as watered down nutes I don' beliee that because there's a few things in the package that the normal line don' have. So like I said I don't believe that blue planet being very very awesome customer skills and see in how...
  4. Jim Bates

    Auto flowering nutrients

    I don' really no but it' got a few things that the normal line don' have so I'm assuming that' it' not just eNtered down nutes but in no expert on that but I k ow one thing it works
  5. Jim Bates

    Auto flowering nutrients

    There' been some question about what kind, how much, what' the PH.????? Well my answer might seem pointless but it' the most simple and easy way to go about it. Have you ever heard of Blue Planet nutrients they have an autoflower line. It' made just for the auto strains. It comes with a...