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  1. Buffalo Bill

    Joker52's DMT Extraction Log

    LOL!! I love how that got turned around into some gay shit. LOL!!! All I wanted was some good genetics dammit!
  2. Buffalo Bill

    Joker52's DMT Extraction Log

    All you haters are a bunch of wanna bee chem hacks. It's funny. I hope that DMT scares the shit out of your rectum and you learn your lesson. Keep flaunting your lame fucking "teks" in the face of the government and see how fast the feds start shipping MHRB to your door. You have been warned...
  3. Buffalo Bill

    this is NOT the hookedonhydro from the HIVE and various other web sites. Imposter. The real...

    this is NOT the hookedonhydro from the HIVE and various other web sites. Imposter. The real hookedonhydro could grow your n00b ass to the moon. I hate when people take names that they saw elsewhere. -A good friend of the REAL HoH.
  4. Buffalo Bill

    got busted and need some help....

    So what, I can't bring empties back to the store in my car? I don't get thought open containment had to be like half filled beers?
  5. Buffalo Bill

    Whulk pwns you all~!

    Ty Ty my friend, just wanted to show some love. Who says kids with PC Planters aren't cool. =) Thanks again. I will log on from time to time and check my mail. Enjoy =-)
  6. Buffalo Bill

    Joker52's DMT Extraction Log

    Thats not that bad. I remember when DMT was 300/g and that was one summer when it was available, it's not something that is easily found for most.
  7. Buffalo Bill

    Joker52's DMT Extraction Log

    Wow man seriously? You don't know that acids are low in acidity? If it's an acid bath, then it would have a low ph. Why did you purchase a gallon of muriatic acid when you could of used something less nasty, like household vinegar? Doesn't sound like you really know what your doing.
  8. Buffalo Bill

    Up for bids!

    Oh.. the romantically part may have thrown you off. I meant it in a psychedelic way.. I REPEAT! I DO NOT WANT YOUR ANALS!
  9. Buffalo Bill

    Up for bids!

    WTF!? How did you get that from what I wrote? I am not looking to hook up with anyone like that! LOL!!! I am lookin for someone who wants to take some things in exchange for genetics [wink] [wink] Im pretty much attached to my girlfriend and certainly not gaytarded. Just lookin to meet...
  10. Buffalo Bill

    where can i get some legit lortab,oc,xanax?

    There ya go, the blues are 1mg xanax, and the oblong whites are 10mg Lortab and little yellow rounds are 40mg OC's. All for you my friend, online. =P
  11. Buffalo Bill

    Up for bids! J./k She only did it anally once..
  12. Buffalo Bill

    Little Big Planet

    I have my PS3 on 24/7 and it's never once frozen in 6 months. The greater consensus of people out there have had bad experiences with 360's. Just stating the facts. PS3, no problems, 360, problems.
  13. Buffalo Bill

    The Attitude Seedbank

    They have been away for Christmas too, so give em a minute to respond to emails before blasting em for not getting back to you.
  14. Buffalo Bill

    Up for bids!

    Up for bids to Upstate New Yorkers is: One psychedelically romantic evening with yours truly in or around the Niagara Falls city of Buffalo area. Your evening will consist of a nice walk/talk. It will conclude with a mind blowing spiritual experience that you will be unable to put a price...
  15. Buffalo Bill

    attitude Seed bank Warning. Dont waste your time!

    My order from attitude never came. =( On that note, looking for someone interested in some pure dmt for trade for some good genetics. You will not be disapointed ;) Upstate New Yorkers only, thnx.
  16. Buffalo Bill

    Little Big Planet

    xbox 360 sucks major ass. I would NOT purchase one again, as my lightly used one got the infamous 3ROD. I was able to fix it myself temporarily and hacked the firmware to play burnt games, which I normally wouldn't do, but since they have such horrible customer service and refused to fix my...
  17. Buffalo Bill

    Will the real LSD-25 stand up? ! ?

    What reagents did you use to get from E.T to LSD?
  18. Buffalo Bill

    Joker52's DMT Extraction Log

    Good idea. I will do that. As soon as im done DOING EVERYTHING POSSIBLE to stop Joker52 but shoving a turkey baster up his ass to extract the DMT out of his pineal glands. THEN I will get off the internet. For you. Lamer.
  19. Buffalo Bill

    Joker52's DMT Extraction Log

    Im no genius, but im pretty damn close, and with the little bit of knowledge I have, the second this idiot is done posting his pics of his final product, the DEA will have a warrant for ktbotanicals and will have a long list of all the other people who frequented their business. This server is...
  20. Buffalo Bill

    Joker52's DMT Extraction Log

    Where did I ever state that those crystals are a result from an extraction? Why couldn't I have started off with indole, SnCl4 and acetonitrile and started my party that way? Oh wait.. I didn't. And the reason for that is outlined in my above response. Why advertise your precursors in photo...