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  1. Feaster

    How much longer

    I was told that if I waited longer it would help more with sleep is that true or is it more strain depending
  2. Feaster

    How much longer

    It's says I dont know the strain lol it was bag seed I got like 18 free seeds so I said what the hell I'll give it a go. I wish I knew tho because being my second grow it would be a hell of a lot easier now the strain and Pacific. My first grow was a lot easier being an auto
  3. Feaster

    How much longer

    Yeah i have seen that so many times when looking this up. Lol I want to wait to get more of the sleepy feeling to help sleep but I dont want to wait to long lol. I'll keep my eye on it i guess. How long do I have till they turn amber?
  4. Feaster

    How much longer

    Hey guys, Only my second grow here not sure of the strain it was free bagseed. I'm using FFOF and FFHF for soil and I have a 600W hos. My trichome started turning cloudy about a week ago and I stop feeding now straight water till harvest. They are completely cloudy now. How long till they turn...
  5. Feaster

    Yellowing 5 weeks flower

    Awesome thanks for the input just wish the other 2 were females as well yo get a little more but can't complain about free seed and you never know the luck of the draw. I'll keep am eye on her and make sure there are no drastic changes and go from there where can i get the Epson salt if need be
  6. Feaster

    Yellowing 5 weeks flower

    Never used the Epson salt. What does it do for the plant? How and how much to use
  7. Feaster

    Yellowing 5 weeks flower

    I'm coming to an end of 5 weeks I had 3 seed 2 became males down to one plant. Unsure of the strain a buddy had seeds he didn't want so I took em off his hands NUTES: Sensi grow A+B Sensi bloom A+B BIG BUD SOIL: FFOF + FFHF LIGHTS: 600W MH for veg and HPS for...