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  1. kalama

    Drying/Curing Smell

    Curing will get rid of that fresh cut grass smell. BUT you said that your bud is completely dry, so at this point there is no sense in curing it. Once your bud gets too dry then your not really curing the bud, your just re hydrating it.
  2. kalama

    Hawaii Growers

    yeah their termites, when I pulled the plants outs all the termites started falling out of the bottom. Its pretty sickening having all my work go down the drain.
  3. kalama

    Hawaii Growers

    Anyone know how to get rid of termites? One of my girls uprooted itself and toppled over, but when I looked closer. It actually broke at the base of the plant because termites were eating the crap out of her. I hope its only one plant and they didnt spread to my others.
  4. kalama

    Hawaii Growers

    Thanks man, ill go look for some. Yeah my plants are all past vegging and starting to bud, one of my plants that I started earlier in the season was just harvested. But when I started picking off the bud I noticed mold everywhere. So I wanted to prevent that this time around haha.
  5. kalama

    Hawaii Growers

    Whats up everyone, havent been here in awhile. Suprisingly for living in Hawaii I do more indoor grows than out, anyway its been dumping rain a lot lately and my girls are getting drenched. Im worried about bud rot, so I was wondering on how to prevent this. Maybe build a mini greenhouse? What...
  6. kalama

    Does This Need a Flush Prior to Harvest?

    ^^ He means no chemical nutes are used in his soil, only natural. Anyway if your using chemicals then yes I would flush, but if your going natural as said, it's all personal preference.
  7. kalama

    My Try at Water Cure

    ^THC doesnt degrade in water.
  8. kalama

    Shake and Bake - Meth

    Here in Hawaii we have one of the highest rates of meth/ice abuse in all of the states. It only takes that one time to go down that bad road, trust me ive seen good people fall too deep to ever come back out. Meth can and will blow up if done wrong, find a new drug.
  9. kalama

    Harvesting just the tops of my plants

    Staggered harvest. Just chop the top and let the popcorns grow to maturity, simple as that.
  10. kalama

    not quite what i wanted

    Next time drink some OJ and not milk.
  11. kalama

    cocaine- I don't think this is normal

    Honestly, never do any drug from people you dont know, whether its weed or MDMA. People now days are fucked in the head and will cut your stuff with random ass shit, just to save some money and make more off you. I would just wait it out another day and see how you feel, any longer and I would...
  12. kalama

    would it be safe to pop 8 tylenol 3's

    CWE is Cold Water Extraction. It extracts the codeine from the tylenol, theres a tut someplace on here, just have to search. Popping 8 will mess with your liver/kidneys, but not what people think, its the constant everyday abuse of pill that really fucks them up. Either way just be carefull when...
  13. kalama

    Just some pills i'm wonderin about

    Propanolol is anti psychotics, I would stay away from this. Methylphendite is ritalin. Makes you focused and energized. D-Amphetamine is adderall or "speed". Energized and focused feeling when taken. Vyvanse is Lysin D-Amphetamine. Which is a longer lasting but more difficult to abuse...
  14. kalama


    Im just ganna hop on the hate wagon and say watsons arent even worth taking. Too low of a dosage so you'll probably be popping 8 at once just to get high, not to mention the havoc your liver is going to be getting since your popping that many. PLUS you arent going to sell that shit, as nobody...
  15. kalama

    Hawaii Growers

    Gatta be his own.. Ive never seen strawberry duckfoot.. On a side note..Anyone from the big island know where I can get salvia? I know its not pakalolo but this is a Hawaii thread so I'd that I would ask haha.
  16. kalama

    Hawaii Growers

    ooh okay, that clears it up haha. I used to live pahoa side and the ph from the catch was fine, guess I was lucky haha.
  17. kalama

    Hawaii Growers

    Your name says waikea uka.. you ask questions about hilo weather/water but yet you live in puna? UNDERCOVER NARC!!! bahaha nah nah brah jokes... Anybody on the B.I went to the pre 420 party down kalapana? I was blazed out of my mind hahah
  18. kalama

    Hawaii Growers

    Where is that pic from akaka falls? Brah you would be attracting bugs for miles with that thing. hahaha
  19. kalama

    Cru3l's LED Grow Veg Tent-- 2nd Grow

    Looks like still get a lot of leaf material still on the buds, trim a little bit more next time. Other than that congrats on the harvest, could tell you were really stoked by the way your were talking hahah.
  20. kalama

    drying and curing questions

    Not really, It will increase potencey up to a certain point. Curing it for longer periods will make the bud smell better and the smoke smoother, but its best to cure for at least 2-3 weeks. Some people dont even cure it as they like the taste of fresh bud.