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  1. OG Greenthumb

    Plants Looking Good! Advice/Comments please! ;~)

    I can see where all the nute companys might have your mind clouded with their advertisements. However marijuana is clasified as a "weed", weeds in general dont receive any nutes except for what they can extract from soil naturaly, and live off minimal water supply. Those who do use hydro...
  2. OG Greenthumb

    Plants Looking Good! Advice/Comments please! ;~)

    feeding your plant while in flower? Its a question I see alot of people ask. I've tried plenty of experiments with this throughout all the growing seasons I have experienced (20 years now). I have to tell you this any type of nutrient you give your plant IS detectable when you smoke! Some will...
  3. OG Greenthumb

    3 weeks flower, wierd spots

    ok It looks like necratic growth. I usualy see this just after a transplant. Normally it only affects the larger leaves. If you havent transplanted recently other causes of this I have found are underwatering, and over fertilizing both corectible without much damage if caught in time. As for...
  4. OG Greenthumb

    So someones tryin to robb my plants!!

    OK Ive been ripped off a couple times. When I got fed up I began to do research on what was legal for security and what wasnt. Now thing are different from state to state but in california things are some what strict.However, on the backside of my fence I now have a giant blackberry hedge...
  5. OG Greenthumb

    Do you remember the First Time?

    Ahhh yes, The first time. It was about twenty years ago now, but I remember it like it was yesterday. My mother and father had devorced and to keep the bills paid my father grew to help supliment the income. Being a smoker himself he allways kept about a pound stashed in the freezer for himself...
  6. OG Greenthumb

    Male pollen?

    Hey All, Does anyone out there know of a good website to purchase male pollen from? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  7. OG Greenthumb

    Bag Seeds in Pot Outdoors

    Hey Rookies-Growin, I've been growing with mary now for 21 years. I can tell you from experience your much better off sprouting seeds in soil. As for the ziplock bag technique, the reason it doesn't work so well is because of the lack of oxygen. If I was you I'd stick with soil. However, your...
  8. OG Greenthumb

    Medical Marijuana

    Hey alll. Ive been using medication in california since '96 when it became available( and even before then too). I have found when smoking, the onslaught of negative affects definately does kick in(mood swings, depresion, insomnia, and yes paranoia). Then I was intoduced to eating it all the...
  9. OG Greenthumb

    First time growing!

    As far as strains go do some research on your local area. Depending on what part of the world your in will greatly affect your crop if the wrong strain is chosen. Also most strains require allot of sunlight to reach full potential. When growing in the woods be warry of the elements. To many tall...