Search results

  1. G

    How do you cover up your exhaled smoke?

    Just pick up a filter for a gas mask from a army-navy store. They have a hole in the that you would screw onto the bottom of a gas mask and you can just exhale into the hole and it comes out the bottom completley clean and odor free. They only cost a few bucks to. :bigjoint: peace
  2. G

    I'm in need to Experiment..I'm getting bored of substances

    If you're looking for information on other drugs check out It has TONS of information and trip reports on all psychoactives. You will be able to find extraction procceses for DMT, LSA and anything else you care to try. :peace:bongsmilie
  3. G

    Hey, I saw that you were from Lisbon, you don't mean Lisbon NH do you? Thats where I live and I...

    Hey, I saw that you were from Lisbon, you don't mean Lisbon NH do you? Thats where I live and I was just curious. Andre
  4. G

    Amanita(s)? anyone tried them?

    So has anyone tried them or have any stories? I've read the stuff on Erowid, im just looking for any other viewpoints. :peace::leaf:
  5. G

    Where do you get scales?

    Go to you're local smoke shop, they usually have them there for a reasonable price. You can also find them online for really cheap, check ebay.