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  1. bigbudster

    budmore anyone

    has anyone had any budmore ? does this do what it is supposed to do any advice pleasekiss-ass
  2. bigbudster

    How much longer!(pics)

    i dont yhink its worth carrying on mate looks hermi to me the buds should be well formed at this stage your flogging a dead horse have they been interupted in the light cycle ? just start again and learn from your mistakes every grower has failiers now and then thats how we all learn good luck.
  3. bigbudster

    Under A Cabin In The Woods of AK - AUH#2, White Rhino, Carolina, and MTU.

    sounds like you have it all worked out to me please let me know how you get on whith your rhino chopping mine in two weeks any tips you have would not go amiss good luck with your grow .
  4. bigbudster

    how much longer? 7 weeks flowering

    buds put on so much weight in the last couple of weeks so chill out and let them go the full distance you will be glad you did after all we all want dank heavy bud with an glittering coating of t.h.c lol.
  5. bigbudster

    Black Domina !!

    grown black dom twice in soil got one on the go now they were under 600hps lamps the leaves are huge my plants were lanky but still managed 2 oz dry per plant dont make any plans for the day if you smoke this very heavy stone well worth a grow good luck to you all .....bigbudser
  6. bigbudster

    first go to a forum click on the one you want top left new post click on away you go

    first go to a forum click on the one you want top left new post click on away you go
  7. bigbudster

    is this true

    can buds double in wieght in the last 2 weeks
  8. bigbudster

    how long before i go to budding

    since you dont know what strain it is best ask your mate how long he leaves his in flower or budding bit small at the mo but you could still flip it on 12/12 if you think it smells know wait till the last week or so happy budding any help you want always around good luck.
  9. bigbudster

    trics turning amber

    worth the wait i will keep an eye on them and keep you posted week 9 in flower starts monday for me but they are putting on lots of weight at the moment and lots of trics my plants seem to nearly double in size thellast few weeks let me know how you get on good luck
  10. bigbudster

    ok for a first now roll it up and toke away good luck.

    ok for a first now roll it up and toke away good luck.
  11. bigbudster

    trics turning amber

    thanks tyke i am looking throu a 100x magnification some of the tips of the thrics are light amber some a bit misty but most are clear
  12. bigbudster

    threw a couple in to try with my diesel they are near ready going with them and diesel next grow...

    threw a couple in to try with my diesel they are near ready going with them and diesel next grow they are covered in thrics a really couch lock smoke are you growing rhino? how are you doing?
  13. bigbudster

    trics turning amber

    thanks boneman maybee ill look again more closely into week 9 whith the diesel and blue mystic x k2 but they wont get chopped untill they are ready what should i be looking for them to be ready.
  14. bigbudster

    trics turning amber

    my plants are covered in clear trics im in to my last week what percentage of the trics should be amber before i harvest .:weed:
  15. bigbudster

    I lost power for 1 day

    they should be ok no big deal try not to repeat it some plants stress quite easily good luck.
  16. bigbudster

    Are clear light bulbs that have been washed and baked in the oven safe to use?

    said the man who cooks light bulbs in the oven omg.
  17. bigbudster

    Are clear light bulbs that have been washed and baked in the oven safe to use?

    what a plonker next time your near the oven do us all a favour and stick your head in it and stop wasting our time.
  18. bigbudster

    buds gaining weight

    stinky as hell now but it did last time diesel is one of the strongest i have grown sounds like you really have a passion for growing me to i find it dominates my life but i love it chopping mine in about 2 and a half weeks 30 girls in soil with air baskets co2 4x600 hps and lots of tlc use...
  19. bigbudster

    buds gaining weight

    cheers epixbud had a look at your grow very impressed you have some nice bud there choppin mine in about 2 and a half week some diesel blue,blue mystic,rhino and black domina sorry i have no pics not much good on computers or with camaras noticed you were using mylar on your walls what do you...