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  1. lebanese blonde

    I'm freaking out man!

    yeah that will probably make an already shitty situation much worse.don't drink when your feeling like this. ur current situation will take some getting used to but it will pass, really it will. ...unless ofcourse you turn out having some ridiculous exotic terminal disease like the bubonic...
  2. lebanese blonde

    I'm freaking out man!

    too freakin funny
  3. lebanese blonde

    I'm freaking out man!

    i strated to feel like that in my mid twenties. thought iwas having heart attacks, throbing veins in my head and wrists. numbness and coldness at the tips of all my extremeties,(except godzillasan:mrgreen:). turned out to be anxiety attacks, and bud just made things worse (in the begining). got...
  4. lebanese blonde

    Bush gets shoes thrown at him

    too funny.
  5. lebanese blonde

    I'm freaking out man!

    bro it almost sounds like you are having some serious panic attacks
  6. lebanese blonde

    What kinda dreams do you get?

    i like to clean up for a couple of months every year or so. refreshes the body and helps to rediscover new highs. but when i stop or start to bring my daily amount down i start having horrible shitty dreams. but just for a few nights.
  7. lebanese blonde

    Florida Growers Thread

    the attitude freebees:clap: gotta love florida baby
  8. lebanese blonde

    Florida Growers Thread

    fresh,but i ride salt as much as possible. i start a grow journel here at the end of the month. my first hydro. i'm used to soil
  9. lebanese blonde

    This kids got to get some credit!

    he built a bunker under the gazebo? doesn't that require some serious construction?
  10. lebanese blonde

    Florida Growers Thread

    swingin by to say what's up. another floridian in the house. keep'em lit :joint:
  11. lebanese blonde

    What A Dream

    thanx johnny
  12. lebanese blonde

    What A Dream

    whats up there guys? been lurking for awhile and finaly signed up. what an absolutley great forum...surrounded by a 100,000 potheads. i must have smoked to much and gone to heaven. i see good times rollin in. keep'em lit:joint: