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  1. J

    Help dying plants

    Thank you
  2. J

    Help dying plants

    Thank you, should I go just straight up water with no nuts for a few days. What threw me off was the fact only 2 of them have really been effectived but now that you all say nuts burn I noticed the other 2 have a little brown starting on the tips. Any advice on what to do to fix this would be...
  3. J

    Help dying plants

  4. J

    Help dying plants

  5. J

    Help dying plants

  6. J

    Help dying plants

    78 to 80 degrees. Advanced nutrition, lights 18 inch’s from tallest plant. I was feeding half of the recommended feeding I got from advanced nutrition
  7. J

    Help dying plants

    Week 5 of flowering and 2 of my girls are dying. All 4 plants received the same nuts and light. The two on the left where defoliate it during week four Of flowering and are fine, The two on the right were not defoliated and they are both dying. Wtf, the ph is good on them all. What happened...
  8. J

    Planting dying need HELP PLEASE

    Also I’m using advanced nuts. My PH is 5.8
  9. J

    Help please, 2 weeks into flowering
  10. J

    Help please, 2 weeks into flowering

    Very nice, I’m really excited about trying. I just posted a therd about my new issues, one of the girls I did not defoliate is in rough shape, in the last few hours she started turning light sickly green
  11. J

    Planting dying need HELP PLEASE

    Week 4 flowering. 4 girls all treated the same other then I defoliate 2 of them (on the left side) and left the other 2 alone. The defoliate ones are fine but the one on the back right looks rough, the leafs are a light dying green. And just turned a few hours ago. They are all under the same...
  12. J

    Help please, 2 weeks into flowering

    Thanks for the link, that’s a good starting point forsure
  13. J

    Help please, 2 weeks into flowering

    Yes monster cropping. I didn’t know the name of it. I wish I had the space to do 2 chambers but I don’t. Maybe one day. Any suggestions on where to take the clones from? And how long should they be? And should I use a rootering solution.
  14. J

    Help please, 2 weeks into flowering

    Thank you, I have had fun, and am looking forward to the next grow. I’m really looking forward to tryingbro clone this one, I was going to wait until about two weeks before harvest and take 7 or 8 clones and try my hand at it. Any thoughts or suggestions?
  15. J

    Help please, 2 weeks into flowering

    Wow thanks, I was at 11inchs, so I raised them to 15inchs. And no I was only using the bloom switch, but I just cut on both switches. Makes sense, there’s just so much info it’s overwhelming. I’ll stick to easy and try not to over think it. Thanks
  16. J

    Help please flowering

    Sorry everyone photos won’t load, I made a different post.
  17. J

    Help please, 2 weeks into flowering

    2 VIPARSPECTRA Reflector-Series 600W, and 1 Lkled 300W (was a cheap free light) now that you say that I think I could spread them more to get better coverage (which I didn’t even think about) Love the ideal of trying a few different styles, and I’m going to try and see how it goes. There’s so...
  18. J

    Help please, 2 weeks into flowering

    Thank you so much, just download the app. And I wish I would have done 2, I started with 4 and truthfully I expect to only have 2, I figured 1 or 2 either wouldn’t sprout or I’d kill them or screw them up somehow. And thank you for the video after watching it I think it’s worth a try, I also...
  19. J

    Help please, 2 weeks into flowering

    Any suggestions, it’s been 2 weeks of flowering. I trimmed the bottoms out some. Any suggestions, this is my first grow so any suggestions would be appreciated. I’m worried: 1. I didn’t trim the girls up enough yet? 2. I have an 7 ft tall tent, should I raise the lights a few inches? Should I...