Search results

  1. M

    First canna coco grow with canna nutes

    Wow, dude, way to rep the coco. Looks like you fed her good and hard too, a little tip burn is not a bad thing, usually results in frostier nugs too, and it's always nice to finish up real green until the point when you flush. I honestly can't tell from your photos if she's done, but if not...
  2. M

    First canna coco grow with canna nutes

    Heading to the dro store now, will see if I can find anything comparable on their shelves else it's gonna be another 110$ liter - for me is 2month supply of the Boost. I have been laying it on thick at 8ml/gal at the very least so maybe I try to lighten up and see how long I could make it. I...
  3. M

    First canna coco grow with canna nutes

    Cool bro thanks. Guess I will keep my eye out for berry...
  4. M

    First canna coco grow with canna nutes

    No, I don't pukka, I'm too lazy to keep up with the photos unfortunately. I would like to know what you do in replacement of the boost. I haven't found anything concrete that suggests I should use one product or the other. The search continues...
  5. M

    First canna coco grow with canna nutes

    Still getting used to it. Out of 20 girls I am running on it I only clawed one and I was definitely pushing them. I'm well over the 15ml A/B at this point on most of them, but some I can barely get above 900ppm at the very low end of their feed chart. Also should've let the roots fill the...
  6. M

    Early Harvest PICS!

    I don't get it were there other females in the room you were worried about pollinating? If not, next time let it go, most times you won't get seeds that late in flower, definitely not if your pistols are already orange, and you will without a doubt get some more trich coverage from the extra...
  7. M

    First canna coco grow with canna nutes

    Looks good pukka. On my first canna run too, I like it, a lot.
  8. M

    Can u check trichomes without lenses?

    Once you get idea of what they are supposed to look like under the scope you can definitely see amber vs cloudy/clear trichs with the naked eye. Look in the valleys of the bud, for whatever reason I can see them there best with my naked eye.
  9. M

    Catching-Up a Girl That is a Week Behind?

    If the small one is sativa it will likely catch up the indica anyway based on how stretchy they can. Check peoples journals for how many times stretch to expect. You could apply some lst as well.
  10. M

    Smuggling a qp from Jamaica into the states. Need some advice/tips.

    I thought you were allowed to bring a certain number of cuban cigars back with you and not worry about getting hassled by customs about it. Like a box or two. My friends mother from Rio always had several boxes at her place here in the US and I know she wasn't privately smuggling them in, she...
  11. M

    everyonedoesit has fastest shipping and cheapest prices

    seems like solid service right there edi. might give you dudes a shot on my next purchase.
  12. M

    How to Read your Plants?

    Good post. Yes, you do hear this all the time on this forum and all the others too. Spot on description of a happy plant too. I think my favorite way to read my plants is on the main stems. If they are red, they need some N.
  13. M

    Kandy Kush, WW, and pinapple express under 1300watt hps! Rep to all who stop by!

    Sweet, good to know, and it's a yielder too. Not crazy about fems, but we'll give it a go sometime soon when space permits.
  14. M

    Kandy Kush, WW, and pinapple express under 1300watt hps! Rep to all who stop by!

    How's the candy kush? I got em w/ my recent attitude order as freebies and am curious if they are worth growing out.
  15. M

    HELP WENT ON VACATION PLANTS RUINED!!! wilt or waterlogged

    wow, very expensive cruise. try the glass aqua balls next time.
  16. M

    Jerry's Perpetually Organic Garden

    Looking good in here Jer bear! I have been holding back on pulling the trigger on the Cali stuff through Attitude as I can't find the Larry OG, which sounds real sweet to me. If your stuff keeps looking good I might just give in and grab the Tahoe or one of the others.
  17. M

    Candy Lemon Wreck Grow Show!!!

    Good to know dude. Keep up on it then. Looks good in here.
  18. M

    Candy Lemon Wreck Grow Show!!!

    I have never dealt with gnats, but in my searches for mite remedies I heard folks use a product called GoGnats or something to that extent with good success. For whatever that's worth to you. I think the no pest strips are more effective for say mites.
  19. M

    To flush or not to flush?

    last I checked a flush in soil = 2 gallon of water per gallon of soil