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  1. S

    2nd grow Accidentally had lights off for 11 hours on first day of flower

    Its all good man! Thanks for the input
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    2nd grow Accidentally had lights off for 11 hours on first day of flower

    Cant remember the last time there was a power outage in my house but i guess if it were to happen i wouldnt be prepared, good point.
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    2nd grow Accidentally had lights off for 11 hours on first day of flower

    Thanks for the advice guys really appreciate it. Im going to leave her on 12/12, this is my second grow and everything was runnin smooth till i realized i slightly messed up the light cycle, just wanted to make sure i dont fuck things up even more. Know I sound like a noob, im still learnin...
  4. S

    2nd grow Accidentally had lights off for 11 hours on first day of flower

    Accidentally had lights off for 11 hours on the first day of flower, meant to put it on 12/12. Am i fucked? Should i not mess with it and keep at 11 hours off? or would i be safe leaving it off an extra hour? Thanks
  5. S

    5 weeks old, 4 1/2 inches tall. First grow, is something wrong?

    Shittt Its been a while, but i know what caused the problem with those spots on the leaves, some type of deficiency due to the tap water i was watering with, guess nyc tap was too harsh on it? Noticed it when i switched to bottled spring water for a week and the new sets of leaves that grew...
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    5 weeks old, 4 1/2 inches tall. First grow, is something wrong?

    Awesome! Thanks for the input man.
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    5 weeks old, 4 1/2 inches tall. First grow, is something wrong?

    Damn really? Maybe i should have both veg+bloom switches on, ive only been running the veg.
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    5 weeks old, 4 1/2 inches tall. First grow, is something wrong?

    Wow man, i hope thats the case with this one. Im still on an 18/6 schedule, i might give it another 2 more weeks then switch to 12/12.
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    5 weeks old, 4 1/2 inches tall. First grow, is something wrong?

    I actually noticed some critters crawling around in the soil bout a week after it sprouted. The unopened bag of soil was left indoors, never outside so they definitely were already in the bag. I added about a cup of food grade diatomaceous earth in the soil when i was transplanting, havent seen...
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    5 weeks old, 4 1/2 inches tall. First grow, is something wrong?

    I didnt dig deep enough when transplanting and ran out of soil, but im gonna get more to try and fill out evenly. I have the light 36 inches away from the top of the plant, had it at 24 inches but its started to cause burns.
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    5 weeks old, 4 1/2 inches tall. First grow, is something wrong?

    So pretty much this is my first grow, only doing one plant for now. I have a 3x3x6 grow tent with a viparspectra 600w led on an 18/6 schedule, northern lights fem from royal queen, growing in FoxFarms Ocean Forest, havent added any nutes yet only been watering with nyc tap water. Temperatures...