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  1. Bigd68er

    Ace seeds Panama - why is it blooming so fast?

    I agree. The Panama that I am currently growing is a text book Sativa. Had to train the hell out of it to keep it from over taking other plants in my grow space. Also, this particular strain has the longest flowering period of any other strain I've grown to this date. Almost sounds like you may...
  2. Bigd68er

    Ace seeds Panama - why is it blooming so fast?

    I've got one going now and it's been flowering for damn near 3 months. Looks like I have about 3 more weeks to go yet
  3. Bigd68er


  4. Bigd68er


    That's awesome would love to see the end reaureof that experiment. I have a Panama from Ace seeds growing as well in fact here it is Here's my sativa leaning Candida CD1. I've had requests for more of this strain. I've crossed it with ruderalis and panama. Those projects are ongoing.
  5. Bigd68er

    LED Veg/Bloom Switches

    I run 2 400W Maxbloom X4s. The manufacturer recommended that I use both the veg and bloom setting during the flowering period. The reason being is that the plant benefits from the full spectrum, thus bigger yields. Of course they could just be feeding me a line of shit.
  6. Bigd68er


    Very Strange/Interesting strain indeed !
  7. Bigd68er


    I do believe my girl is definitely a Sativa phenotype. Gangly as hell definitely the strangest strain I've grown to date. Here are a few pics. Smells a bit like citrus/lime. Can't wait to give it a try once it finishes.
  8. Bigd68er


  9. Bigd68er

    101 Already Asked Questions

    Quick question, is it better to harvest a plant 1 section at a time, or wait and do it all at once. I know that typically (at least what I have read) that the bottom buds mature faster than the top so is it best to harvest those then get the main cola later when it's more mature or just wait it...
  10. Bigd68er

    1st Harvest Need Help !!

    Thank you for the input. I was think the same thing myself, just needed some reassurance. :)
  11. Bigd68er

    Myths That's All They Are

    Great post ! Very informative ! You actually answered some questions I had, so for that, THANK YOU
  12. Bigd68er

    1st Harvest Need Help !!

    I am in my 5th week of flowering (Northern Lights auto) and it appears that my baby girl is "stuck". The pistols are mostly still white and I am not noticing any major changes in bud development or growth of any kind. Can anyone tell me by eyeballing the pics if I am close to being ready to...