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  1. B

    How do I cure my Marijuana

    Anything that's airtight will work. Tupperwear will work. It doesn't HAVE to be a mason jar.
  2. B

    Is she ready for harvest?

    The "trichs" are the white spikey things on the flower, right? I looked at them with a pretty crummy magnifying glass, but they just look white to me. It's been flowering for just under 60 days now. It's some sort of kush strain.
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    Is she ready for harvest?

    Hey guys, I didn't get a huge growth out of my current plant, but it's not bad considering the lack of lighting I had, how messed up the plant's schedule got and a whole host of other things. I actually managed to get some buds. Anyway, what I wanted to ask if you think that it's time to...
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    Seriously, I'll be harvesting my plant soon and I wanted to know if anyone knows what I can do with all the leaves. It seems like a waste to throw them out, but I can't see myself wasting my time trying to smoke them and besides, I've heard that smoking the leaves sucks. Can I make hash with...
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    Traveling to mexico with Bud - fool proof

    wontime,'re an idiot.
  6. B

    Home Alone

    She's been on the cycle for a week now. If I had to choose between a regular natural light and dark cycle for 48 hours or straight darkness for 48 hours, which would be better/worse?
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    Home Alone

    Hey guys, I have my plant on a 12/12 cycle right now and I just found out today that it's a female, so I am pretty pumped. The only problem is that I have to go away for two full days. I don't have a timer so I was wondering - is it okay to leave my plant in the dark for 48 hours straight...
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    Tyin' it Up

    Hey guys, my plant is really growing too tall for the space I have for it. I've got it on a 12/12 cycle now, but that seems to have sped up its growth. I've read a lot of posts where people suggest either bending the plant or tying it down to prevent this. Does anyone have any photos or more...
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    Some info about the 12/12

    Cool. Good to hear that there's other dudes like me out there just curious to see if they can grow a little somethin' with limited resources. Good luck with your grow, man. I still think that a decent plant can be grown without using serious equipment. After all, it's just a weed right?
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    Some info about the 12/12

    Hey man, no need to be a cunt about it. I'm just growing this thing for fun, I'm not some hardcore big time grower. Gimme a break.
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    Some info about the 12/12

    Thanks man, I'm sort of low on cash right now, so I can't afford to buy new lights, but I put the plant closer to the lights that I do have for it and I am going to re-pot it as soon as I can. BM
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    Some info about the 12/12

    Hey man, I've attached a photo of my plant. It might be a little more than 4 inches tall, but I don't think it's over a foot yet. The plant was with friends for a little while at the start and they took shitty care of it. I've only had it back for about three weeks now and it's really...
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    Some info about the 12/12

    Hey guys, My plant is only a little over two months old. Things are looking good and it's about 4 inches tall right now. I don't know if it is a male or female yet, although there are little V looking thingies sprouting out on the stem in places. I heard that you can determine the sex by...