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  1. Myarocks

    Candida CD1 20 cbd: 1 thc is making me feel stoned? Help

    I just finished growing Charlottes Angel CBD, it doesnt make me feel stoned and i got 18g off each plant also was super crystally, very happy with it will be getting more. If youre growing outside you should get autoflowers that might help you out a bit. -cheers
  2. Myarocks

    Candida CD1 20 cbd: 1 thc is making me feel stoned? Help

    Oops meant to say cant vape it. I just popped three Charlotte angel so wish me luck well see if that will be a good daytime strain
  3. Myarocks

    Candida CD1 20 cbd: 1 thc is making me feel stoned? Help

    Yeah theyre tiny little plant maybe reach a foot and a half its Avidekel high CBD indica, I got 21 grams off the one candida but vape it cuz it makes me stoned (rrrrr) LOL problem is I cant use the indica during the day it makes me fall asleep so need a daytime strain but cant find a good one yet :/
  4. Myarocks

    Candida CD1 20 cbd: 1 thc is making me feel stoned? Help

    I dont know where you live but where I do in Canada its expensive. The cheapest I found is 60 bucks a 30ml bottle I will absolutely keep growing CBD plus i find the oil doesn't work as fast as just vaping the flower. The one I use the most is $12.50 a gram flower for bud but the crushed product...
  5. Myarocks

    Candida CD1 20 cbd: 1 thc is making me feel stoned? Help

    Id love to but i cant always got somewhere ive got to go to so have to be a sober as possible, at night i can relax :)
  6. Myarocks

    Candida CD1 20 cbd: 1 thc is making me feel stoned? Help

    [QUOTE= Health Canada has a list of test labs, if you're a registered medical user you can send them in for testing. Right on ill have to give them a call maybe i can send it at a discount thanks!
  7. Myarocks

    Candida CD1 20 cbd: 1 thc is making me feel stoned? Help

    It has also been proven that cbd with some thc is far superior to just cbd, especially in regards to pain management. That is why hemp oil cbd sucks ass for most people. Cheers :) Thats true ill use it at night but was growing it to use during the day but will have to grow something else...
  8. Myarocks

    Candida CD1 20 cbd: 1 thc is making me feel stoned? Help

    Thank-you i'll have to check those out
  9. Myarocks

    Candida CD1 20 cbd: 1 thc is making me feel stoned? Help

    I just finished a Candida CD1 grow I purchased seeds from an online store in Canada and it came in a Marijuana genetics package with a red cross on and green circle, now the site states the THC never passes 1% I did take it early though around 7 weeks as the plants weren't doing good for me...
  10. Myarocks

    Seed maturity/making seed question

    Wow thank-you very much! What a beautiful plant! My jaws on the floor!
  11. Myarocks

    Seed maturity/making seed question

    Yeah i ended up getting those too started a couple of them today actually, cant wait ive heard theyre great! Thanks :)
  12. Myarocks

    Seed maturity/making seed question

    here I found a link if i get it in my meds ill grow it out why not right? these guys sell it too i guess but i cant afford that
  13. Myarocks

    Seed maturity/making seed question

    Awe thanks right on glad to hear!
  14. Myarocks

    Seed maturity/making seed question

    High CBD from an LP you cant get anywhere else
  15. Myarocks

    Seed maturity/making seed question

    It hermed becuse i over fertilized it theyre 30 bucks a seed to buy, so you actually going to answer my question or just come on here to be a dick?
  16. Myarocks

    Seed maturity/making seed question

    So one of my plants hermed which is wonderful because the plant next to it got pollinated, i actually wanted that to happen because the seeds are hard to get. It's bag seed. Anyway i didnt know it hermed until i felt undernearth a branch and found a crispy dried male flower (Im a noob this is...
  17. Myarocks


    Wow pretty girls, good job! I hope mine turn out as well!
  18. Myarocks


    Right on thanks!
  19. Myarocks

    Going on holiday, no 1 to watch plants, put vegging plants in window?

    if they're close to flower, and the window doesn't get light all day, they'll probably start, as long as you're ok with that, no problem. you can hold it off with a small florescent or two on a timer, if you want. just set it to come on for a couple of hours in the middle of the night and it'll...
  20. Myarocks

    Going on holiday, no 1 to watch plants, put vegging plants in window?

    I'm a legal grower. I have a few smaller plants in a tent and a closet. Ill be going on holliday for a week and start flower when i get back. I dont have anyone to watch my plants and am nervous leaving them under 18/6 lights and not being able to keep an eye on them. My window is a discreet...