I think I broke the pots on my Meanwell driver.
I think I turned then both a bit to far with too big of a screwdriver, and now when I change the settings, they don't seem to be on a linear curve anymore and jump all around randomly when I touch them.
Anyone else have this problem?
The driver I'm using is an HLG-240-54A.
The voltage and current pots seem to flicker between seemingly random settings as I use them.
They didn't do this when I first started using them today.
Finally installed my 2 QB288s.
I'm hanging about 12" away (wish my tent was taller) and I'm pulling 30k lux at the top of the canopy at full power.
I turned it down because it was too hot, and now I'm getting about 15k lux.
I just bought a couple of 288s w/ Slates.
Should I use constant current or constant voltage for a parrallel wiring?
Is there a particular driver that I should use as a first-timer?
Great! And one more thing: Constant voltage or current for my driver?
I plan on hoping up both parallel. I don't see any advantages in using series wiring.
Great, in that case, I'll be going with the single slate heatsinks. That way I can adjust the spacing of the boards. :)
I'm also planning on adding some QB120s in the corners. Any good heatsinks for those? (Or any specifications on what u-channel to buy)
If I go with a slate 2 heatsink, should I mount the driver to the heatsink (I've heard this grounds the driver), or should I place the driver outside of the tent?
Am I at risk of shock if the driver isn't mounted to the heatsink?
I ordered from seedsman for their 420 special.
2 weeks later, I had recieved no indication that my order had been shipped.
I contacted them, and they dispatched my order.
Sucks to have to wait 2 weeks extra, but the freebies were nice.
Does anyone think that keeping my room's ambient temperature at about 74F could be okay for cooling a tent with 4 QBs?
(using proper ventilation for the tent, of course)
So, the same as air cooled hids, then?
How hot do the LEDs themselves get, then?
I imagine that the LEDs themselves get hotter than t5s, which are relatively cool to the touch.