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  1. Yam

    12 and 12 on seed

    Personally I hate growing that way bc it takes so long to switch... and u get a smaller plant. I couldn't imagine spending 9 or 10 weeks flowering a plant that could have been ALOT bigger with just a few extra weeks in veg. Massive difference in weight
  2. Yam

    Need help with GH nutes

    I use GH as well. I also use half strength in coco.. I use the trio set plus liquid koolbloom, Flora blend, floralicious, and malimagic.. I've always had issues without calmag supplement. Every 4th watering I use rice water with molasis and mycos for soil life. Works great! 1 cup rice in a half...
  3. Yam

    How much longer??

    They look about 3 or 4 so weeks in depending on ur light. Those puppies are crystal white lol.. you have alot of bleeding up to do before harvest.. I'd say u have about 6 weeks left.
  4. Yam

    nutrient lockout or deficient??

    Everything matters.. what soil.. what temps.. rh.. lights.. any other issues or treatments given.. if ur using an all purpose fertilizer it sounds like nute lock out. Ur def lacking something. But it's hard to tell with out knowing the specs
  5. Yam

    Lets Talk About Rust Fungus & What You Need To Know.

    I'll post a pic tomorrow when lights on. It's not fuzzy. They are colored spots on the leaf that do not wipe off. It's only on the leaves none on steps of buds..or even on the sugar leaves. Just fan leaves mainly.. ones close to the top but a few towards the middle as well. Only on that...
  6. Yam

    Should I start over? Please help ph issue or bugs

    Since u said something I thot I would go in and wipe off all the DE and any PM if I have it.
  7. Yam

    Should I start over? Please help ph issue or bugs

    Updated pics... week 5 of flower now. Pic with lights off
  8. Yam

    Lets Talk About Rust Fungus & What You Need To Know.

    I've had this coloration on s ok me leaves but it does not wipe off. I got it last year when n.v I grew dark angel and it came back again this bgg year when I grew the same strand but it is not on any other plants. But I do have rust around the holes of my pots. All the pots have this rust but...
  9. Yam

    Should I start over? Please help ph issue or bugs

    It's not PM. Its DE (diatomacious earth) I put it in my hand and blew it over the leaves of the plant bc I had a bug issue. I was wondering if I had a little PM tho I couldn't really tell with the DE on it bc it looks the same once it settles. I'll take another pic to post
  10. Yam

    Should I start over? Please help ph issue or bugs

    Thanks man. It's looking good! About 4 weeks left
  11. Yam

    Should I start over? Please help ph issue or bugs

    That's what I've been doing.. just continuing the hydrogen peroxide sprays and drenches every third watering. It's really helping to keep the bugs away. All these expensive harmful products and hydrogen peroxide has been the best for bugs over the last 3 grows.. this will prob be my last coco...
  12. Yam

    Should I start over? Please help ph issue or bugs

    Thanks man.. I was wondering why my bottom leaves are dying off like that.. ya they are pretty cramped in there so the bottoms arnt getting much light or at ALL.
  13. Yam

    Please twll me what is causing this light green growth so suddenly

    Coco..I had a issue with thrips and gnats. I've done a neem treatment... 5 days later a soap treatment... then did a spinosad drench.. I havnt done anything for about 5 days now. I'm hoping the roots arnt too far gone from the bugs munching on them. And maybe it's not able to move nutrients bc...
  14. Yam

    Please twll me what is causing this light green growth so suddenly

    Ok now I'm 2 weeks into flower and it's still persisting to get worse. Bottom leaves are starting to turn yellow and a few have fallen off
  15. Yam

    Should I start over? Please help ph issue or bugs

    These girls are little less than two weeks into flower. Using hydroponics fertilizers.. using half strength nutes. In all coco coir and 10%of perlite mix. Under 300 watt LED. Ph between 6 and 6.5. Watering every 2 to 3 days. I noticed I had a bug issue when I first transplanted bc the root hairs...
  16. Yam

    Please twll me what is causing this light green growth so suddenly

    I saw some light green growth yesterday but today it is super light and I'm thinking its calmag issue.. I'm waiting on calmag order so I need a quick fix for another 5 days..they are about a little over a week in flower. Can I use rolaids to provide some calcium and a little Epsom for the mag...
  17. Yam

    Need innovative ideas for intake screen/BUGS!

    Panty hose sound alike a good idea. I've tried the air filter before. I couldn't get it to stick to the side of my tent.
  18. Yam

    Need innovative ideas for intake screen/BUGS!

    So the first 5 weeks everything was fine until I transplanted and noticed a few of the roots had no root hairs and from experience I know that means I've got some fungus gnats eating at them. The day after I started seeing the little fu"kers flying around. I used some DE and some neem that...
  19. Yam

    What is the his nre growth??

    It didn't mutate what so ever.. was just the new growth that was only there for a day or two.. it's a nice extra full branch now!! Pretty happy about it!!! I'll be fimming from now on instead of topping.