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  1. travisbikes

    Has anyone ordered from The Attitude?

    Julian, thanks for the great read Did you use one finger to type that or use a voice to text app?
  2. travisbikes

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    its a bad doctor. goto your nearest dispensary and ask them if they will help you find a doctor they may tell you a ptsd doctor, take their advice. if not, they'll give you a list. then you can ask for a ptsd doctor. If they fail to give you one, find another dispensary. shouldn't take three...
  3. travisbikes

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    here's the great thing for me, one piece is "unscanned" so you never know. someone mentioned, it shows up when you least expect it. well... today is one of those days. lol a guy can wish GUESS WHAT THE UNSCANNED PIECE OF MAIL WAS THE CANNABIS CARD, AFTER 91 DAYS 73 EVERYBUBBY :)
  4. travisbikes

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    quickly refreshing the informed delivery page. thinking about a soft shell sour cream taco ...yum
  5. travisbikes

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    nobody called or emailed me, wish they did. using your paperwork turn in date, add two days then mark your calendar every ten days from that date. on day 45 call them and find out the status of your app on day 70 call them again and find out the status then call them every seven days after...
  6. travisbikes

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Nothing in the mail for me at day 91. Went ahead and ordered The Mighty, it will be here before my card haha Im excited for you guys going to the dispensary today. Congrats! Don't forget to smoke up for me and others :)
  7. travisbikes

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    purpflower you'll have to talk nice to those Indians and get one. lol Looks like a nice haul. That tangie is a dream, its a depression killer and you won't be sitting around much ;) durbin when smoked at high heat, will kill the munchies. there is THC-v in it. i been getting educated...
  8. travisbikes

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    aye waiting patiently, nothing here yet. I'm not the only one hitting the refresh button on the informed delivery page am I, Does anything new show up after one piece of mail? lol
  9. travisbikes

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    cheers Happy Days are here again :)
  10. travisbikes

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    yep, I actually set the phone alarm for 7:50 and if it's not here, i set the timer every ten minutes. lol i hate it when it says no mail, and you check it at 8;30 and you have mail
  11. travisbikes

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Yes, after three minutes of paperwork. the no-no is buying from two DIFFERENT dispenarys on the same day.
  12. travisbikes

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Sounds like you need a different strain of indica and a strain high in CBD to kill pain, the dispensary will set you up. most of the sativas will make you more anxious. Check out grand daddy purps and blue dream strains for the fibro/anxiety.
  13. travisbikes

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    bet they print the cards every ten to fourteen days. I was doing some ciphering and figured since nobody had a card printed in June, it has to be a printer doing them in batches, Probably to save money. I bet they even send one handfull every day, that's why everyone gets theirs on different...
  14. travisbikes

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    The medcard clock owners are busy smoking some incredibly good weed. I would bet July 10-20th. maybe a little longer, For the nerds:> just took me 85 days to get approved, plus 1 to 8 more to send the card. stats say 86-96 days ;)
  15. travisbikes

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Just called the 855 number monotone sounding dude said "You were APPROVED." and the info has been sent to the printer. now the wait begins you folks in the first four dates i posted better call them and check on the apps.
  16. travisbikes

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    goto your clerks office tomorrow and ask for expungement papers, they should know if you can knock it off your record. the paperwork is pretty easy to fill out, overall cost is around fifty dollars and you don't even need a lawyer. there is a minimum wait after probation, should be one year...
  17. travisbikes

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    you might be onto something, maybe they print cards once a week, cause i haven't seen any June cards either, just from the 30th. you should get it by this saturday. are you signed up with informed delivery by usps?
  18. travisbikes

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    might as well say 100 days if we went thru a dispensary or mco here's the rough estimates based on 86-96 days March 16... waiting patietly June 11-21 BestBrewer, PURPFLOWER, ME 3/20 >>> june 15-25 March 23 >>> june 18-28 GeorgeSmith, 27 March >>> june 22-july 02 ...madia 3/28 >>> june...
  19. travisbikes

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    nothing here for me flower, im in no hurry to spend money on that expensive weed. Thought about buying a pipe from the dispensary, but they are probably high on those too. I did order some black light posters and stash cans on amazon. lol
  20. travisbikes

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    don't know if you watch youtube, one night i set and watched Mighty videos for an hour, that mouth peice could use a make over, don't know what else would work, maybe an adapter with a reed looking thing? Beanie, you might be onto something, if they have no way of connecting your screen name...