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  1. TwistD

    DWC moisture collecting between leaves

    Copy that!
  2. TwistD

    DWC moisture collecting between leaves

    Probably not a real problem but I got some dwc going and the girls are looking great(about 5 weeks in) I've started to notice some moisture collecting where some of the leaves touch. I dont spray or mist the leaves. RH stays at a steady 65%. Is it just condensation? Prevention? Nothing to be...
  3. TwistD

    After harvest

    Ok. Keep indoors, and enjoy faster turn around time. Thanks for info.
  4. TwistD

    After harvest

    So, for example, the cali "trees" that people like Jorge Cervantes has, all have grown during one season? Under optimal conditions? And then get chopped down? Granted, strain variance considered, my indoor grows never create beasts like that. Haha
  5. TwistD

    After harvest

    I got a quick question. If I grow outdoors next year, after harvest what happens to the plant? Can I leave it dominant for the winter? Will it return the following year bigger and better? Diminished quality? OK OK so it was more than one question. I don't live in Cali or someplace that has...
  6. TwistD

    Let's get Nostalgic

    Glad weed don't look like this anymore
  7. TwistD

    Let's get Nostalgic

    I'm turning 40 this year and started to think about when I started enjoying this now wide spread cannabis culture. Sure, it was around long before I was, but we all know (well.....the old skools anyway) things have change dramatically since the late 1970's. So I would like to reflect back on the...
  8. TwistD

    I wanna try breeding...

    It's always good to know another beautiful lady has taken up roots in our hobbytown.
  9. TwistD

    I wanna try breeding...

    I appreciate the gentle trolling. ;) and thanks for information and a direction for more information. BTW just cuz I wanna try breeding, doesn't mean I'm new to growing. ;) breeding is an advanced technique imho. Hope all is well and again thanks for info.
  10. TwistD

    I wanna try breeding...

    Thanks for the welcoming! Long time reader! Are u guys just trolling me for being a newb? Or is he the only one that would know the answer to my question?
  11. TwistD

    Nutrients for soil grows

    Hahaha I had to check the date to make sure this wasn't a dead thread. To answer the question, there is 66 pages (at this point) of seasoned growers posting which nutrients they prefer. You should be able to find something to fit your budget. Personally, I'm team #organic
  12. TwistD

    The Weed I Smoke Tastes Delicious

    The Weed I Smoke Tastes Delicious
  13. TwistD

    I wanna try breeding...

    First I would like to say, that I have looked through several books and online forums to find this information and haven' seemed to find it. Not to say it isn't out there but I can't find it. So basically, here is the question at hand. I have access to several strains and "regular" (male and...