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  1. G

    cutting down/giving up on slow plant?

    i have given all 3 plants plenty of mycos and there is trichoderma in my coco, while i have fed them a steady supply of kelp along with weekly enzymes. i don't know of the roots are strong but i have done what i could within my budget. i will move the slow plant down with the attitude that it's...
  2. G

    cutting down/giving up on slow plant?

    you might not have to concern yourself with this much but in terms of opsec, do you think throwing the branches away to decompose in the soil is safer than bagging it up to throw away in the garbage? i take a car ride a few blocks over to throw away leaves and stuff but maybe letting nature...
  3. G

    cutting down/giving up on slow plant?

    haha thanks. good to know. this one was on par with the others at the end of veg and had an interesting mutation where 3 branches grew out at a time instead of the normal 2... but now that i think about it, it was slow to get out the gate. i think there is some plant intelligence at play...
  4. G

    cutting down/giving up on slow plant?

    it is supposed to be a GHS jack herer but i think it's an f2, so bad genes are possible. though 1 other plant is the same stock f2 but doing well. they are in coco and the nutes are pretty dialed in i think since the other 2 plants are getting the exact same feeds and thriving. CA and MG are...
  5. G

    cutting down/giving up on slow plant?

    for my first grow, i have 3 plants and they are currently starting week 5 of flower. 2 of the plants are looking amazing, lots of fuzzy white hairs on all the bud sites and fattening up every day. the other 1... severely lagging behind. it hasn't even started to show preflowers yet. this can...
  6. G

    My first grow

    ^ even though the face is covered i can still see a big ass grin
  7. G

    Hermie or undeveloped pistil?

    I dont mind picking out seeds but if it comes at the expense of quality and yield it's human nature to feel disappointment Though with all the disappointment my life has turned up you would think I would be used to it by now...
  8. G

    Hermie or undeveloped pistil?

    I ended up cutting the entire branch off. There were no pistils coming out of them so I was sceptical if it would even produce bud if just the balls were removed. I noticed a couple other side branches that were developing balls so they were cut too. Hopefully the stress of removing branches...
  9. G

    Hermie or undeveloped pistil?

    right on. thanks for that. sometimes it's good to have people tell you what you don't want to hear at this point, i have to think carefully about the risk/reward before making a decision. if you say that it's not worth it meaning that relative to the amount of increased time in upkeep the...
  10. G

    Hermie or undeveloped pistil?

    i will for sure be sterile about it... it's a force of habit now after cultivating mushrooms for years i am going to give it one more day and will try to gather more information in the mean time... hopefully the wisdom of crowds wins out over analysis paralysis... thanks again
  11. G

    Hermie or undeveloped pistil?

    thanks for the encouragement. i take it at this early stage there is no risk of the pollen sack bursting? should i use a knife, scissors, fingers or teeth? do you know what the deal is with the pac man in the 3rd and 4th pic? hopefully it's ms pac man..
  12. G

    Hermie or undeveloped pistil?

    theres about 10 colas and only 1 of them has male parts so far. seems like a waste to throw it all out if some of it can still be salvaged without being pollinated.
  13. G

    Hermie or undeveloped pistil?

    i see. much appreciated. when you say intersex is difficult to manage, you mean it will keep cropping up all over the plant over time? i have 2 other plants that are doing ok and would prefer they don't get pollinated. i was planning on pruning and trimming in a couple of days so i will think...
  14. G

    Hermie or undeveloped pistil?

    chicks with dicks?
  15. G

    Hermie or undeveloped pistil?

    For the next chapter in the adventures of my first grow... I seem to have discovered a hermaphrodite. The seeds were given by a friend, so I have no confirmation if they were bred properly but they are definitely not from a reputable seed bank, so poor genetics might be a cause. I'm on day 15...
  16. G

    Colas charred from touching the light...

    thanks for the reply. i read around and that seems to be the prevailing wisdom. i have a leaf that was also burnt, that can also just be left alone too, eh?
  17. G

    People are talking...

  18. G

    Colas charred from touching the light...

    Sorry it's blurry... hard to focus under those lights
  19. G

    Colas charred from touching the light...

    I got greedy and let my plant veg for too long and wasn't vigilant about keeping colas tied down. So... today when checking up on my plants, 3 of the colas were touching the lights and they turned crispy brown. I'm on day 15 of flower, so there aren't any buds formed yet but since they were the...
  20. G

    Jacks (JR Peters) nutrients

    Here is an interesting graph from Otoke Horticulture. They seem to specialize in "cannabis cultivation consulting", so I take it they'd have some measure of trustworthiness. Nevertheless this graph goes against much of what I've read. Some puzzling things of note... 1. Week 1-5 flower is a...