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  1. 440Music

    25 days into flower gorilla glue

    Thanks, I used the craig jig to make pocket holes
  2. 440Music

    Advice Needed Indoor Grow House

    OK to start I live in a 750sq ft condo and had to be creative with space so I built a TV stand that doubles as a grow house. The inside is 34" x 24" x 32", lined with Mylar, heat/cool power outlet, CO2 set-up and LED lights across the top 1 strip 1 inch per light red and blue. What can I do to...
  3. 440Music

    Hey old many over 50 yrs?

    I don't know why they call it retirement, I seem to be doing a lot of sitting around and that's not making me tired!!! I guess the first time I grew was the first seed I found which was the summer after 7th grade. I grew up in the almost country north of Milwaukee and there were lots of corn...
  4. 440Music

    25 days into flower gorilla glue

    those pictures are very encouraging, I'm just starting my first grow in 35 years. I build a custom grow house that doubles as a TV Stand and is only 34" inside height. I'm looking for short and stubby. I'm here to learn and read about the best method to indoor growing.