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  1. S

    Quantum board question for a 3x3

    True but the hlg 260 which run on a 240 driver can still put out close to 300 Watts (285 is the max I believe). If I go with the 320h-c2800 for two boards the max I can run them is at 320w. So an upgrade of roughly ~35 Watts and it would likely put out significantly more heat while losing some...
  2. S

    Quantum board question for a 3x3

    Would running two qb 288’s on a hlg 320h-c2800 as opposed to a HLG 240 be worth it? I’m worried in a 3x3 things could get too hot. HLG says themselves the slate 6 heatsink is only good for cooling up to 300 Watts. But growers lights has a 320 watt XW kit that’s essentially a 260w kit that runs...
  3. S

    HLG 260 XW or HLG 320 XW for a 3x3?

    I was leaning more toward the 260 xw but then I found the 320 XW Its not like any other 320 I have seen. It’s the same exact board and layout as the 260 but with a larger driver which I assume pushes the lights more to their limit? (Still learning). Will this extra 40-50 Watts (285 vs 320)...
  4. S

    Quantum board or cheap hydro builder cobs?

    I was about to order the hlg 265 but then I found the covert c600 210w cob on hydrobuilder (rollitup won’t let me post the link). It’s hydrobuilders in house brand. Price seems reasonable and I could save myself 150$. Does anyone have experience with these lights? Do cheaper cobs perform well...
  5. S

    help. Damaged my flowering plant.

    Here’s picture of her. You can see that she’s not leaning cuz of a broken stem. Her roots are just really dmaged. Do you think she will make it?
  6. S

    help. Damaged my flowering plant.

    so I have a girl on week 6 and because family is coming into town I was going to move her. While I was moving her to the other side of the garden I didn’t notice a line of rope above me that was tied between two trees (to train the trees). I basically clotheslined my plant. The main stem...
  7. S

    Ready to harvest?

    This plant has shown a decline in health the last two weeks and leaves are starting to yellow. Just wondering if I she’s ready to pull? She’s been in flower for about 8 weeks. Seems kinda early to be harvesting but I also worry as I spotted some bud rot and am wondering if I should just harvest...
  8. S

    Carbon filter: should I be pushing air through or pulling air through?

    I am starting my first indoor grow and am a bit confused on what the best way for me to set up my carbon filter is... I have seen people set up their fan so it they are drawing air from the tent and pushing it through the filter. But have also seen people people put the carbon filter first and...
  9. S

    Branch broke completely off of flowering g plant. What can I do?

    One of the lower branches of my plant got damaged last week when I was moving my plants around. It started to repair but today I touched the branch and it just complete broke off. Can I attempt to reattach it with some tape and hope it will repair or could I try to clone the branch?
  10. S

    Topping mistake...

    So I topped my girl once already and she responded great and was looking healthy. I wasn’t planning on tapping again but dad, who I live with, took the liberty of “topping” my plant again without my permission (he grew mids in the 70’s so likes to think he knows a thing or two). I’m concerned...
  11. S

    Got some autos and feminized (photos) seeds mixed up...

    if I put them in the ground shouldn’t I be able to tell around week two which ones are the autos as they will begin to show sex? Just want to make sure I didn’t totally mess up
  12. S

    Topping help? Did I mess up my plant?

    this is my first grow. I am running some rain dance by greenpoint and today I decided to attempt to top one of my plants. My plant had 5 nodes and watching videos online I see some people cut off the top node completely while others cut just above the top node. I Took off one of the nodes...