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  1. Ruka

    whatre some fun things to do when tripping?

    I'm sure I'd have a heart attack if I did shrooms or anything before a rollercoaster.
  2. Ruka

    whatre some fun things to do when tripping?

    Taboozening is a RIOT when you're fucked up! I'll see you in the snow!
  3. Ruka

    whatre some fun things to do when tripping?

    My friends and I usually take our favourite songs and blast them on a high end stereo with the bass pumping, lay on the bed or couch or floor and watch different computer visuals and trip out to them with the lights out. When the only thing you're focused are the colours and shapes and...
  4. Ruka

    Tokin' Traveller

    Hey everyone! Thought I'd say Hello and express how excited i am to join a forum full of people i can relate to an hold a hearty convo with! I'm a 22 year old female pot smoker that's been travelling for the past 9 months from the Grand Canyon to LA to Edmonton and Banff etc etc. I plan on...