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  1. S

    Soil ph is way to low?5.2!!!

    All great ideas guys. and gals? I thank you for the advice to help me out,I'm still learning after 26 years growing,and hope I never stop learning(but without the mistakes).I just got done reading TLO Organics,and there are several glaring discrepancies between what he says,Jorge...
  2. S

    Soil ph is way to low?5.2!!!

    You can't learn unless you make mistakes. And I'm just your average Joe,trying to get bye,man.Ok,well lets see admiration,drainage is pretty good,I have roughly 35-40%different size,viticulture small very little bit. 1/8-1/4"perlit mostly,and larger size red lava cinders up to 3/4".and this is...
  3. S

    Soil ph is way to low?5.2!!!

    I've been measuring my ph with a rapitest electronic ph meter the one with different plants programmed in it.and a cheaper one with two metal probes.that one says I'm at around 7,while the electric one says from5.7-5.9?I also use litmus paper and check the run out of the bottom which comes out...
  4. S

    Soil ph is way to low?5.2!!!

    They are from 3 -4weeks old.They aren't recently transplanted.I try to keep the soil moist,the only thing I give them besides rain water that I test periodically,is a boogie brew compost tea.I used Dr.Earth black bag and Amazon bloom E.J. potting soil mixed with a bag of purple cow...
  5. S

    Soil ph is way to low?5.2!!!

    Sorry I'm just getting back but I've been busy.yep I know it's to low.That's my problem.I'm in a SUPER SOIL mix.I did a slurry test at first and it was 6.5,I added a little binocular,eggshells,kelp meal,and bat guano,and the only thing I can think of is I started it composting...
  6. S

    Soil ph is way to low?5.2!!!

    Somehow my souls ph is way to low like 5.3,They are wilting!They are 1 month old,will they survive a transplant?I've tried hydrated lime to no effect,what can I do?