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  1. E

    Response to Ounce in ur area....

    why do people mix strain names and generic terms like dro and dank. Dank is not a strain these days? right? and here in the rocky mountains a zip tops off at three fifty unless you are a tool.....
  2. E

    Stoner Role Call!!!

    niner ak-47 bong
  3. E


    wonder how much help homie is going to get now...
  4. E

    Drug test.

    any ever herd of using drinking gellitan sheets? Friend told me to dilute a sheet of gellitan in OJ and it works?
  5. E

    What's your Age?

    my pops is 55. Grows like a mother fucker. Im 26 grow like a mother fucker in training...
  6. E

    hey man, I am looking into service, either Co guard or Naval Reserves. Will it Absoutly kill my...

    hey man, I am looking into service, either Co guard or Naval Reserves. Will it Absoutly kill my current rollitup life style? How often were you tested? Thanks for your service.
  7. E

    Most Memorable Place You've Toked

    Lake Powell, on the water at sunset. Priceless.:joint:
  8. E

    Another Denveranian

    denverite, denvonian? What ever. Just checking in. Who all is in the metro area?