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  1. Darkomate

    Another PH problem thread. (Hydro)

    So. I have this GHE Waterfarm (ACS and everything is connected together, same water on every pot) running and ye it works and all, but that god fukken damn PH creeps up 6.5+ what ever I do. Its my first time on hydro and I'm scared that Ill soon burn the shit out of those roots if ill keep...
  2. Darkomate

    How big airpump for Waterfarm?

    How much air /minute should my pump push thru 1 single waterfarm, not looking for minimum, more like maximum for best flow. Thanks!
  3. Darkomate

    Rootbound aftermath.

    So the thing is that I had to keep my babies in small cups for 2-3 weeks while I had to finish up some stuff. That ofc got the roots to go in quite good knots. I wasn't too worried for first tho and was figuring that I just pat them to the ground and they started growing quite fast. But now...
  4. Darkomate

    Need help to speculate flaws in my new setup.

    Greetings! I have been doing alot research on leds now for quite long time. I came up with plan but it still has some problems where I need some advice.I decided to go with BL Gen 2 because they have them in stock near me so its faster and cheaper to order. So to sum it up I was thinking it...
  5. Darkomate

    I'm aiming for perfect DIY 2mX2m (6x6)

    Greetings, so as the title suggests I'm quite hyped to build my own jungle tent. I have been researching for last 4 days about COBs, heatsinks and drivers, but as I'm little slow and my main language is not america (hehe), I'm still stuck on the most relevant question. What the eff I buy? Like I...
  6. Darkomate

