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  1. M

    LED / Driver question

    Perhaps the issue you're thinking of is related to thermal runaway in a CV parallel system? I was going to type a bunch out here, but it seems more difficult, as a layman, to explain to other layman the CC vs CV systems when I could just post this nice piece by LED gardener...
  2. M

    Seed supreme

    Sweet merch, but I think this is from a different seed bank than the one named in the topic As mentioned here there is a SeedSupreme (seed bank), and Supreme (seed bank). I put seed bank in parenthesis as both are indeed seed banks, but the words aren't part of the actual company names
  3. M

    Seed supreme I'm viewing from the US, and FAQ #1 says that they ship to USA only. On the buttom of the home-page I am shown a San Diego mailing address for them, but they ask for mail to be addressed to "Lucky Horizon"; perhaps they are based out of...