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  1. P

    Oh dear !! H20 Just Killed My Girl :(

    I was having some problems with another plant which started to get root rot due to the solution temp being around 24c and air temp around 29c .. however they are back at what it should be and it's been fine for the past 3 days now. I did a new water change and before I put the plant back in...
  2. P

    Viparspectra 600w distance?

    Quantum boards.. that's proper dollar but wicked!
  3. P

    Viparspectra 600w distance?

    You ain't doing much weight with 1 600 Vipa on all them pots no chance. I run 2x 600 and use a max of 6x oxypots with auto flowers and does me fine. I manage to pull 3ounces a pot. Don't use the vipa for seedlings go t5 or CFL. Good luck but 1 600 won't work for you ..