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  1. Randalyn420

    First time with led lights

    I would say that it's not the info you gave him but the way it was given. Also I feel like if someone is learning then they cant really be wasting time. Some people learn by doing tons of reading and everything right. Others learn better by making mistakes and problem solving solutions. It's...
  2. Randalyn420

    First time with led lights

    I wouldn't say hes wasting his time. I just completed my first grow with "blurple" leds. I had 6 plants in a 4x4 and yielded 15.6oz. Dry, beautiful, tightly trimmed, sticky as hell bud. While I agree theres room for improvement in my grow I wouldn't say time was wasted. Theres a big difference...
  3. Randalyn420

    First grow, want to make sure I'm being the grower I know I can be! Advice welcome :)

    Thank you for the reply :) I'll start flushing on the 28th and if they need longer to mature I dont think it will hurt to go a bit longer without nutes. It seems like of they get overfed they grow much slower. Do alot of other growers use live worms too? I figured they would aerate the soil, eat...
  4. Randalyn420

    First grow, want to make sure I'm being the grower I know I can be! Advice welcome :)

    Thanks guys :) it's been really fun to learn how to grow.
  5. Randalyn420

    First grow, want to make sure I'm being the grower I know I can be! Advice welcome :)

    Hey guys, just want to share my grow and get some feedback. I went total newb on these plants so many times. My biggest problems where over feeding, and overwatering which turned into under watering. I think I have hit a good stride now though. It's very hard to not over tend my ladies. I'm now...