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  1. B

    White widow week 4 of flower

    Just water no ultra bloom? I have been using ultra bloom 15-30-15. But should I just feed it straight water once it’s dried out? And maybe just water the rest of the flower stage?
  2. B

    White widow week 4 of flower

    Okay guys my ph level in soil is 8 which is way to high and my moisture level says wet. So obv I overwatered it and the ph is off. What is the best way to fix this problem and get ph back to 6.3-6.5 the plant is in week 4 of flower and don’t wanna replant and put it into shock?
  3. B

    White widow week 4 of flower

    Here’s another one
  4. B

    White widow week 4 of flower

    Let me know what u guys think
  5. B

    White widow week 4 of flower

    I guess I water about once a week maybe I’m not waiting long enough I give it about 3.5l of water every week
  6. B

    White widow week 4 of flower

    Here’s a pic the light is 32” from plant the tips of the leaves are yellow so I think I have it to much ultra bloom
  7. B

    White widow week 4 of flower

    Anyone know what deficiency this is or is it light burn or what?