1,000 watt HPS lights during veg.


I met someone today that uses HPS light bulbs during veg and doesnt use the Met Hy lights AT ALL!!!!
Has anyone ever heard of this? Is it possible?


New Member
yes it is possible, not ideal at all however because plants use more of the blue spectrum for veg which is lacking in most HPS bulbs however it is there.

Tell him to get a conversion bulb to MH if he is using magnetic, for digital he just needs to get an MH BULB.


this guy swears by the hps lights and says to put them right down next to the top of the plants. We have been using MH lights and keeping the lights a good 18 inches away from the top of the plants. Is this a good plan of attack or is he on crack. (i wanted to make it rhyme)


Well-Known Member
does his hps have any blue spectrum? I'm not sure if 1000w ones exist, but they do make hps bulbs with the extra blue spectrum added. I dont really think it matters if you use red or blue spectrum for vegging, i love to fuck around and thats the conclusion ive come to after lots of fucking around. What does help however is using a mixed spectrum. I use some 6500k cfls w/the hps for that purpose myself, but they do ok w/ just the hps if that all youve got.


New Member
HPS LIGHTS RUN much Hotter so he is wrong about that, I run both MH and HPs - MH does not really even create heat in comparison, I am pretty sure I could get away without even venting my veg room...It has no AC in that room 1000W MH in an open hood that I put 10 to 12 inches from the tops of the plants - no way I could do that with my HPS on babie plants..you can simply feel with your hand HPS is much hotter


Well-Known Member
If he can get them that close w/o burning them sounds great, otherwise his plants would all be dead or in horrible shape, he's figured out how to get them as close as possible like you should do. My hps is 4-6 inches from the tops. I'd lower it a few more inches if i could. The growth rate really picked up compared to when it was 12-18 inches away.


Thanks for your responses. We've been using HPS for a about a week and HOLY COW what a difference!!! they're growing like crazy. HPS is like "D-ball" in your ass. just insane!!!


Well-Known Member
I do it 100% of the time. MH lights put out more heat and are not as efficient as HPS lights of the same lumen output. The additional blue spectrum available from Metal Halide lights does increase leaf growth over HPS, but you don't smoke the leaves.


Active Member
Of course mh lights put out more heat than hps and putting a 1000 watt hps light that close to the plants..well bye bye to the plants. Alot of bad info


Well-Known Member
Metal halide are cooler than hps.....your wrong on both things you said and i think you should go do some more research before saying people are givingbad info. If you can hold your hand between the light and the plants top its not too close,not to mention with watercooled fixtures you can have them touching the glass even with no ill effect so why is it bye bye plants? that makes absolutely no sense. Please make sure you know/understand something before saying its wrong and then giving no reason other than you think thats what would happen. It's cool, i was a noob was too.....