1,5,7 leaf growth?


Ive tried googling it. But cant seem to find a answer why mine sprouted then skipped a few steps in leaves.
Now the only thing i have grown to any finish has been a few catnip plants. But they were outside and basically set and forget.
I tried to test my luck, and threw some bagseed in water and then paper towel. Till the seeds cracked.
When the tiny tap started to poke out i put it in a rapid rooter, then into a coco,perlite on bottom. Hempy solo cup.

Now i made mistake of using clear cup, so got pretty bad algea going. But was told it doesnt hurt em...so hey at least i know i can grow that(lmao). I have since put the cup inside another i taped black to sit over other and hopefully kill algea(not working to well to kill it)
Everything is under a Luxauto 1000w LEd. Currently under a 12/12cycle, because i had 1previous seed that wasnt male, so its flowering(despite all of my torture). Feed em every other day i think, have Maxibloom, and the AN3(MGB). Not sure which is best. Been using the AN this time. 4ml/L. Doesnt take much before i get runoff out the hempy hole.
The sprout i just add a tiny bit around edge to wet coco.
The coco has been staying pretty wet...so guessing they not drinking much from what ive read. (Will it hurt to leave them for a few days till it dries out, or will hempy reservoir go stagnant?)
Now she did get hit with the spray from a plant vitamin i got from walmart. Which is where i think the burns/splotches came from, however could this of been what made it skips some steps in leaves, or do i just have a rare/mutated seed? Which i hope is female lol

Sorry for the rambling...pretty bad adhd atm so mind is racing. If i missed something, got a question or helpful response or whatever let me know.

I guess i am just looking for advice or tips, and to find out if im growing a freak of nature hehe.

Ps. I use RO water, or water from the tap ran thru a filter. AN3 seems to ph me to 5.8 roughly.

Thanks for anything :)

Pics are
(FON) top
(FON) side
The vitamin spray(have used 1 time and gave the plants spots)
Then the female that has survived my torture.

Any advice or tips for a newb....



Well-Known Member
Maybe because they stretched? I think it's proximity to the soil that causes the leaves to change their count. My clone's 7 point leaves are down to 5's now that the material is rooted.


Everything ive read thus far, says the leaves grow 1finger, then 3 finger, then a 5 and on up. This one went from 1 to 5 then to 7...skipping the 3 finger. Ive heard of the 9+ fingers and all, but never anything saying they go from 1 to 5fingers.
5 fingers is usually the sign its in veg? Do autos behave like this? Its bagseed so i have no idea what im even in store for from it. How will the missing node(3 fingers) work for topping it?

Sorry it skipping like that has thrown everything i have read over on these forums, askew lol (or km just panicking i screwed something up lol)


Well-Known Member
Everything ive read thus far, says the leaves grow 1finger, then 3 finger, then a 5 and on up. This one went from 1 to 5 then to 7...skipping the 3 finger. Ive heard of the 9+ fingers and all, but never anything saying they go from 1 to 5fingers.
Sometimes plants go a little crazy when they go into bloom. For example, I have a plant that started sprouting a third leaf at each node. If your plant is healthy, don't overthink it.