1/8 albino? really neat


so this picture may be a waste to some, its only my 3rd plant so im very much a noob however, on a freebie seed i got this not sure of the strain, couldnt read the writing i just wanted to throw in an auto for a quick grow. anyways normal?



Well-Known Member
That looks like bud rot, but then the calyx's are properly formed not furry. Crazy picture.


Well-Known Member
looks like a sativa dominate strain, just making a new growth spurt, they usually do that about week 9-10. let her ride and you will get some gnarly twisted up whispey's on the ends of the buds. looks good though..


Active Member
Ive had a blackberry kush which is a cross between blackberry and white rhino that had half the plant grow albino. Resin production was there. The leaves and bud split down the middle where pigmentation stopped.


thank you for not making me feel TOOO dumb. but light bleaching makes the most sense. still really neat i just dont want to do it again :)


Well-Known Member
I normally see that as yellow. This one is bleached white.

that is albino trait

an when i did sum research i saw damaged plants under light bleaching
not perfectly healthy looking plants minus pure white color

another point i picked up on if damage from to much light to close (light poisning) the trichs sticking up on top would be damaged
think about that one for a moment you are all smart peeps right and experience wit growing i hope or youd not be giving advice right

can you say albanism boys and girls



Well-Known Member
Well, if you want to get technical, it wouldn't be albinism because plants can't be "albino"


Well-Known Member
Light bleaching plain and simple. I just had it happen when a plant 2.5x stretched and got too close to the 5W LED's. I tried to find some better pics but here's one from harvest. People said it would smoke about the same... They lied, it pretty much smoked like huck.



Well-Known Member
its an albino trait. what happens is the white part of the plant doesnt have green chlorophyll so photosynthesis doesnt take place on those branches. the rest of the plant has to support it . thats why you dont see full albino plants

light bleaching doesnt split leaf color in half down the stem either.......... my white rhino does this and the white buds dont taste like chlorophyll.... actually the albino nugs are the best on the white rhino albino i have



And here I thought my triploid plant (three cotyledons) was special, now I feel like it's just "shpeshul." Well, unless half of it also turns white. ;-)