1 month kush with pics help please mates

Okay guys so im first time grower and i got a nice kush plant in my backyard. It's been growing 6 weeks or so now and all of a sudden about a week ago another little bugger poped up beside it in the same pot and seems to be growing faster then the other one!

My question is why did it pop up so late because i know for a fact i only planted the seeds on June 11th and it sprouted July 10th. While that bigger fellow you see there sprouted on June 19th. I know i put in more seeds but just why did that lil guy take so long, and also the smaller plant's first flat leaves (sorry i dont know the right term at the moment to lazy to look it up, you know the flat ones very first) are all bent but the first set of spiked leaves are looking nice, is she still okay?

#1 What could be the cause of this?
#2 Should i transport this little guy to a new pot?



#1 Only thing i can think of is that u buried that seed too much or it got shocked somehow and for #2 scoop out the little guy into a diff container and transplant the other one into atleast 4 gallon, and nice lookin plant btw i would start bending it over in a week or so. :peace: