1 of 12 plants doing something weird.


Active Member
11 of my plants don't show any signs of this. I am 2 weeks into 12/12r and this started about a week ago. I am useing FF tiger bloom and ff big bloom every other watering. I did 2 applications of open seasame. I use a bit of epson salts ech time I feed or water. ph is around 5.5. What gets me is it is only on one plant. This one does seem to drink less. Any thoughs on this?IMAG0166.jpg

kouki monster

Active Member
What type of media are you using? Is 5.5 the ph you're watering or is that the ph coming out?

Looks like a magnesium deficiency to me which can either be caused by ph being too high or too low in the media or if there isn't any being added to the nutrient mix.


If you're growing in soil, the pH is way too low. Here is a chart someone on this site shared with me, that I've found to be very helpful:

View attachment 2040320

If your pH is too low or too high, you'll lock out nutrients, and cause a deficiency.