1 plant grow?


Hey guys,

I want to get a plant on the go asap so that I can get some weed soon. Do you think it is possible to do a really small grow up in my loft space?

I was thinking that I could buy some feminised seeds, a light, some organic soil and fertiliser, and that's it? Is it really necessary to have in-take and out-take fans?

Many thanks


Well-Known Member
What size is your grow box, and what size light are you using? Everything breathes man, your plants need good circulation to maximize growth and also air exchange helps regulate temps.

doby mick

Active Member
I have been growing weed in the loft for the past 4 years Nothing special was needed just Good Soil A good light some quality seeds and alot of patients and some TLC and a Whole lot of luck. You will be surprized at what quality weed you can produce from home, at the momment im smoking some nice weeds, be lucky and keep it to yourself as there alot of shit cu~ts outthere.


Hey boby,

Thanks man that's a real confidence boost.

Can you give me the low down on what you're using for your grow? Like could you list all the equipment you use I would really appreciate it. Specifically do you have anything covering the plants? Like a tent? Or are they open? I'm asking because my loft is quite big, I'd say about 10 square metres. Have you got a similarly large loft or is it one of those modern houses with a small boiler room loft?

Guys this is what I had in mine. I would buying a cheap wooden table. About 90cm height and 90cm length, with 70cm depth. I would get a 65cm by 85cm piece of wood, and attach 3-4 CFL lights to this ply wood and stick it under the table which could be raised and lowered with a pulley. I would cover the sides of the table with reflective sheets which could be pulled up to allow me access.

Inside I would have 2-3 plants, grown in soil and fed organically? I was thinking about growing Widow. Do you think this is possible? Would they need more room to grow or can I start flowering them when they're half a metre high?

Many thanks guys.


Active Member
Here's the environmental factors you'll need to control, and only you know if your space allows for this:

1. air circulation & humidity (50%-60% is good) for plant to "breathe" and prevent molding (if it's too humid it will mold)
2. air in/out of grow box to keep temps down (75-85 degrees is good) as light produces heat in small spaces
3. odor control
4. total darkness for 12 hours during flowering period
5. Ideally you'll want minimally 100watts per plant
6. TELL NO ONE (saved the most important for last)

If you can create these conditions in your loft w/out fans, carbon filters, humidifiers, etc., then go for it. If not, you may struggle (speaking from experience here). Good luck!


get a small fan for $30 max, any online store or any random hardware store will have one. Get some 55+watt CFLs or four little ones atleast and your baby will be happy. "You will get what you put into her Grasshopper"


A small fan, like a normal fan one would use in the summer? And have it placed outside the grow box near a vent so that the air is pushed in?

Zat. Concerning the smell. Should I be that worried? Do you think it would start stinking out the house downstairs and next door? Just 2 plants?


Active Member
Zat. Concerning the smell. Should I be that worried? Do you think it would start stinking out the house downstairs and next door? Just 2 plants?[/QUOTE]

You know that's hard to tell and some strains are more smelly than others, but I suggest having a plan to deal w/it quickly if you realize the smell is traveling. If you want to start off cheaper, you can try Ona Gel instead of messing w/a carbon filter, etc., but if you have to go w/a carbon filter, you can make your own easily for under $20. Here's the link: https://www.rollitup.org/do-yourself/101248-best-diy-ez-walmart-carbon.html


Active Member
All I have is a PC fan hanging from the cubord ceiling. Door is open when lights on, closed when lights off. No problem.

I use LED so temps are not a problem at all... Weed is actually very easy to grow..


Well-Known Member
Want a list?

Get a 150w hps <click link, there's tons of different brands & prices
*bucket < Make sure there are holes in the bottom
*good soil or Something like this
*Some kind of fan <Preferably 2 or 3 (to use one to blow directly under hps)
*ph tester
*ph up&down

Get some ONA Pro Gel for flowering or to be super safe get an inline fan/filter combo with the ona gel and you'll be set dude

get some seeds from the tude or collect them whenever you find any, you can veg with the hps on 18/6 then switch to 12/12 when you want to flower.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

I want to get a plant on the go asap so that I can get some weed soon. Do you think it is possible to do a really small grow up in my loft space?

I was thinking that I could buy some feminised seeds, a light, some organic soil and fertiliser, and that's it? Is it really necessary to have in-take and out-take fans?

Many thanks
doing a stealth grow is not going to feed your lust for "some weed soon". read the forums man. there is a hundred people that done what your looking for with all the details. spend 5 minutes looking and you will find it. good luck.


New Member
Here's the environmental factors you'll need to control, and only you know if your space allows for this:

1. air circulation & humidity (50%-60% is good) for plant to "breathe" and prevent molding (if it's too humid it will mold)
2. air in/out of grow box to keep temps down (75-85 degrees is good) as light produces heat in small spaces
3. odor control
4. total darkness for 12 hours during flowering period
5. Ideally you'll want minimally 100watts per plant
6. TELL NO ONE (saved the most important for last)

If you can create these conditions in your loft w/out fans, carbon filters, humidifiers, etc., then go for it. If not, you may struggle (speaking from experience here). Good luck!
Depends on how big dog you want to be. That number is pretty accurate though. 6000W over 12 is the way to go. :) Course... that's off topic of course.