1 seed 2 sprouts!


Active Member
I have a rock wool 3" cube with 1" cube inside it where I put my one Red Dragon seed.

This morning right where I put the seed a sprout came out (after 2 - 3 days of underground growth.) The seed shell was on the top of the plant still for a while until i wet it and put it in more concentrated lighting.

When I transfered the seed from germ to rock wool it had a pretty long tail and got quite a bit of light. I put it in tail down. covered with a feather of rock wool.

Now a sprout has begun to show one the edge of the 1' cube. The reason I think its a sprout and not a misguided root is because it has the same appearance as the sprout with the embryo stuck to it. Its a sprout not a root Im positive. Two leaves and all.

Is my plant retarded and should I not bother growing it?
What if one is female and one is male. Cut down the male?
Can they both survive of their assumed one root system?

This is my first grow...
Il try and have a pic soon


Well-Known Member
Hard to say, pictures would help. Personally I would let it ride, if it grows well it should be a kick ass plant well worth cloning.


Active Member
I hope they are both female! I was planning on growing two plants and if this was a double female thats be badass!

I'v named her knockers.

If she were a she, could I clone here and produce another plant with two tops?
Could I in the future top these tops?


Well-Known Member
Still awaiting pictures.

If one is a female, the other will be too. Basically 2 embryos in the same seed. They should be identical twins of each other, genetically.


Well-Known Member
I have a rock wool 3" cube with 1" cube inside it where I put my one Red Dragon seed.

This morning right where I put the seed a sprout came out (after 2 - 3 days of underground growth.) The seed shell was on the top of the plant still for a while until i wet it and put it in more concentrated lighting.

When I transfered the seed from germ to rock wool it had a pretty long tail and got quite a bit of light. I put it in tail down. covered with a feather of rock wool.

Now a sprout has begun to show one the edge of the 1' cube. The reason I think its a sprout and not a misguided root is because it has the same appearance as the sprout with the embryo stuck to it. Its a sprout not a root Im positive. Two leaves and all.

Is my plant retarded and should I not bother growing it?
What if one is female and one is male. Cut down the male?
Can they both survive of their assumed one root system?

This is my first grow...
Il try and have a pic soon
never seen that happen. let em grow seewhat happens. no dont try to separate them, if ones a male just cut it out at the stem.


Active Member
The newest one is literally coming up in front of my eyes with no helmet BUT the outside of the leaves are purple(ish) color, maybe a dark burnt green. The insides are beautifully green. Heres my pictures:
grow it and see what happens, ive had some deformed and wrong looking plants before that ended up yielding more than the normal plants.


Well-Known Member
You should consider an LST grow and get those things circling each other. You may have to pull one and transplant it. Don't wait long to decide. They'll start competing for resources before long. I think I would try to keep them together and LST them, but I think they'll actually do better if separated in a couple of days, before the roots entangle..


Active Member
You should consider an LST grow and get those things circling each other. You may have to pull one and transplant it. Don't wait long to decide. They'll start competing for resources before long. I think I would try to keep them together and LST them, but I think they'll actually do better if separated in a couple of days, before the roots entangle..
Don't they have the same roots?


Well-Known Member
Subcool posted about this. He separated them...carefully. His picture showed him laying them on a plate to separate the roots. Maybe in a puddle of water. I don't remember, but he wound up with two plants.


Well-Known Member
These aren't Siamese twins.... lol

I'm pretty sure if you carefully separate the wool and get to the center, you'll see two completely whole plants. I suspect it is like twins, from the same husk. Just like twins born from the same mother, one right behind the other. It has happened in squash, tomatoes, beans, etc.... It isn't a two headed lion.... it is two separate beasts...

Growing them together because of the novelty would be cool, but in actually, you'll yield more and they'll be healthier if they grew apart.


Active Member
Whats with everyone and wanting to F' with roots? They are the same plants, two heads. You don't just cut a siamese twin in half and go "go for it" Yes, they would probably still make it, but they will make it even if they are still in one pot, with the same roots.


Well-Known Member
Whats with everyone and wanting to F' with roots? They are the same plants, two heads. You don't just cut a siamese twin in half and go "go for it" Yes, they would probably still make it, but they will make it even if they are still in one pot, with the same roots.
Wrong kind of twins, lol.... it is not a two headed plant. Two plants came from a single seed.


Active Member
Well I put em back under the 14w lights, as soon as their leaves turn toward the light its time to go to the 23w daylights.

IM going with the, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" approach. Il keep ya posted.

If one starts to show dominance over the other so what eh? it'l work itself out like nature intendend. hopefully nature didn't want them to both die!

grow plenty

Well-Known Member
i had a twin god bud last year that was about 15" tall but lost it along with my entire grow op due to a fire ( not my fault) any ways iwould grow them out just like they are. if you only planted one seed...then you only have one plant and you can prolly make 2 plants out of it successfully, but why? clone it later maybe, but im waiting on my next twin. i would grow it out. however,i would put it in a 7 or10 gallon pot. youll have a massive root system... good luck!