1 seed found in bud, what could have caused this?


Active Member
Hi All,

this is my first grow and yesterday i harvested 2 of my 3 plants as both top colas had gone very dry, they were 8 weeks and 4 days into flower( i have left the other one as it doesnt look ready at all) anyways i decided to have a pick through one of the colas to actually see how dry it was on the inside and i found 1 seed, does this mean the plant had been left to long? as from what i have read on the site you have to let them flower for alot longer to get seeds or could this have been caused by something else?



Well-Known Member
i think it was proberly caused by hermi... basicly it prob got a bit of light in its night cycle or 2 much light threw flowering and causes it to hermi ... hermi means its a he/she has both sexes but for only 1 seed that is not bad at all... plant it you got another plant and a smoke there

congrats on your 1st harvest

whats the weight/plant size /strain


Well-Known Member
Yh hermie
When a Female starts going into winter (12/12) (flowering) then has SEX and than as well as growing bud it grows seeds in there .
Some dealer was trying to sell some HERMIE LOL