1 Short Cola of 8

So this is my 3rd time growing. I’m going with the mainline route with kind soil. Everything is ok but I keep having 1 cola that’s just small af. It’s like it don’t get enough light or something but I’m sure it does. It’s the 3rd grow in a row where I have 1 small cola. They all have the same amount of light and air. I’m getting ready to switch to 12/12 n I’m just tryna remove excess fan leaves especially around and above that particular cola. It probably won’t grow to the top of the canopy n give me shit yield. My question is, do I get rid of the whole main to have more energy on my other 7 or will that stress the plant too much. I’m on day 2 of 12/12 btw. Just finished pruning. I think I should just cut that whole cola off.