1 week flower, spotted/necrotic patches, need some opinions


Well-Known Member
So i have 2 plants which are (as i was told at least) blueberry clones. they are roughly a month maybe a month and a half old and they have been on 12/12 for about 1 week now they are both for sure female...they are in 5 gallon buckets of fox farm ocean forest soil...they have been fed once with NSR GreenLeaves Grow juice..i am waiting to begin the flowering nutrients when the little buds begin to appear...should i use bloom nutes sooner? perhaps upon triggering budding? i water them with only RO bottled water...PH'ing the water is not an option at this point as i dont have a meter...so heres the real question...what could the discoloration and spotting be caused by? did i not feed them enough in veg? over fert not to likely as they have only been fed once but i could be wrong, or is it a PH issue?...not all the leaves are affected..most are ok... they look over-all pretty healthy, nice and perky, smelly, growing pretty quick,sexed very quickly...but are these dots a sign of a shit storm to come? any help appreciated!!!

