$10,000 Best Grow Room Ideas


Active Member
If you had $10,000 to turn into a grow operation, how would you best utilize the funds and what system would you use?

I am a total noob, first time operation on my own (i.e., one man operation), and would like to produce the most amount of bud with the least amount of work and hassle (don't we all), and ideally keep an ongoing crop regularly producing a sizeable quantity.

My goal is to begin within about two months and I will have ten grand to work with.

What would you do?


Well-Known Member
10k is way more than enuff to grow godly plants. buy the best lights you can get and buy more than you need also get a fancy cloner. keep one room growing clones and mothers and one room flowering the buds. so every 2 months or so you cut the fat ass buds in the flowering room down and hang them. the next day you clean the room and put the clones in. the next day you clean the clone room and take new clones and start rooting them. if you have a nice sized greenhouse and the money for good equipment you could ez have 5-10 pounds every 2 months if not more. or give me a job seting it all up and maintaining it all for a cut:D but yea get a book about it it would help the most. you would want to do drip hydro most likely the easeist and best product.


Active Member
At least one person had something beneficial - thanks zaqewq.

I kinda figured hydro would be the ideal with least amount of maintenance. From reading hundreds of opinions, there is some concern about screwing up for first time in regards to hydro.

I've actually picked up a few books and dvds and have a couple of ideas and ways to go. I just recently came across this site and am amazed at all the great information, which is why I thought to propose my question and see what the great minds here would do if they could build their dream grow room/system.

Thank you for any suggestions and support that are actually viable.


Active Member
I've actually looked at Omega Garden systems, but my concern is that the orbitropism system would not work well for marijuana plants because the plants get too big and would be touching the center of the system in no time.

Does anyone know about this system or have used it? Am I off in my perception that something like this wouldn't be feasible for this type of grow operation?

If you look at the Omega Garden site it states you can have up to 300 plants in a 20 sq ft space, but is this realistic?


Well-Known Member
You could do one of those cylindrical grows. They're cool. Bonzai compact rotating hydroponics system from 4hydroponics.com by Growco Indoor Garden Supply

buy two of the 360-plant ones. Spend the remaining $400 on venting and odor control, nutrients, and a big reservoir. Grow yourself 720 plants. :bigjoint:

edit: just saw your post above. The way you grow marijuana with these, i believe, is by keeping the plants relatively small. Possibly flower straight from clone? I think i've seen some bud grows with these systems... i'll look around.


Well-Known Member

seems to be pretty successful. And the link i sent you in the last post doesn't include the ballasts and lamps. so go with the omega garden. it comes with 1200watts of HPS. That leaves you 3 grand for ventilation, air filtration, nutes, and anything you'd like to buy me. :mrgreen:

and if you don't like the idea of the rotating gardens, i would build myself a gigantic DIY drip hydro system. Huge. Or two. One with veg nutes, one with flower :blsmoke:
figure 1000w of HPS covers 4'x4'. Put one plant per square foot, that's 16 plants per light. 1000w HPS ~~ $250. Budget $1000 for the hydro system (which will be more than plenty) and same for ventilation and odor control(again, way excessive). That leaves you $8000. Take off another $500 for miscellaneous shit. $7500/250 = 30, 1000w HPS lights * 16 plants = 480 plants........... wow.


Active Member
Greatly appreciate the advice, budf. I'm an all or nothing kind of personality, so I'll more than likely go balls-to-wall out the shute.

Everyone mentions using the "best lights, filter, fans, etc", but what are the best ones? Or is it all a matter of opinion?

This is kind of why I proposed this thread, wanting to know what exactly you'd get for an optimal system for up to $10K (including seeds, nutes, and anything and everything required).


Active Member
budf, how much bud are you producing with your setup and how often?

I may or may not have a clone connect, otherwise I'll be going from seed. The main reason is that I'm very private and no one knows my business, so it's not like I'm advertising or letting anyone know I'm looking for such.

It's obvious to see I'm coming at this in a pure business sense, so trying to limit exposure and maximize profits.

Thanks again for the great advice and suggestions.


Well-Known Member
well you should look into sog!

search for al b fuct's post on perp. harvest....

buy 4 flood and drain setups and harvest every 2 weeks

(of course it goes into more detail, but thas the basics)


Active Member
One more thing, budf, do you have any serious electricity concerns running 8 1000w bulbs (i.e., being found out due to consumption - I hear many say this is a myth, but it doesn't hurt to at least be aware)?