100 deg temps

I feel so sorry for all of you guys who are dealing with massive guerrilla grows in this heat...

Been watering every other day and i decided to skip a day, thinking it would be fine since they usually look ok after a few days without water.. But went to water today and they look like total shit... mad droopy.

I guess the heat has finally set in and is starting to take its toll. As most of us know its not a good idea to visit guerrilla grows on a daily basis.. I can't stand tromping trails and being paranoid about everything.

i can't help but wonder how much perlite would really help in this situation? Of course, i didnt have it in my mix due to rushing and trying to get the grow going..

How anything could grow wild in these conditions or without constant attention is beyond me.

Im afraid its gonna be a long grueling summer for us guerrillas.. Oh , and don't forget a humid wet fall just in time for flowering.. yeesssss!!!