100% Organic Soil up! Pics*

Lets start off with Thank You RIU!!!!
This will be my first time actually posting and interacting but i have been on this site countless times since i first started. I have a couple solid cycles under my belt now so its time to put myself first and go with something 100% Organic. I used fox farm previously so my feet are a little bit wet but now its time to dive deeper. I was going to wait so there was actually something fun to look at for all of you but it seems im having some small issues:wall:(to some it might not be anything but I want this to be spot on). So my hope as times before the genius minds that roam this site can possible help a little bit.
The setup!
2x1000w quantum ballast with 2x6" cooled hoods, 4'x8'x7' tent = Flower
1x1000w quantum ballast(running at 75%), unvented 5'x6' area = Veg
The Go box(General Organics) the whole line up bought the kit to get all my little friends started then going to buy the real bottles when they are needed. ( i did read alot about the line and some say they have weak areas so i also have some Humboldt honey es+duece duece from a previous venture to put in if needed). I understand you dont need to check ph and ppm etc... with this line but i do anyway i just wanna exactly whats going in.
Advanced sunshine #4
Promix (all purpose)
I got both because i heard pros and cons about both so its time to see whos right.
both mixes got mixed evenly with more perlite(lighten it up a lil) and Dolomite(ph buffer). Container sizes are a little diffrent ran out of the large ones but calling this a experiment too. I read a tap root can grow to 6" before true leaves even show(sorry i dont remember who posted it). so i wanted to make sure they had room for that. then the opposite side(wet and dry spots). Not sure if the large containers are to big for seedlings to go into it can obviously lead to dry/soaked- areas that kill new root growth. So well see what time tells.

My little seeds hit distilled water one september 3rd. 24hrs later they got taken out and put into rapid root plugs (clone trey) and put under 24hr light(2' t-5). uplanted into pots by the 10th.(typing this i might decrease that time next time seems to long to be in little plugs). I have been slowly raising the strenght of the nut solution and dropping humidity as time passes.
Temp 75-83
Humidity 60-50%.

Everything looks really good so far and has been growing faster then i have ever previously seen so smoke to that! :joint:

Now to the issue i am getting some small curling on my leaf tips with yellow-slight brown discoloration. im assuming not over fert since i am not to full strenght yet. was thinking maybe when watering some nut water got on them and burned or when spraying azamax possibly a little to strong for the little dudes(just not getting either of those feelings though feel its nute/ph related)? I cant figure out how to post pics so thats my next goal right now.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask, im sure i forgot to add some important details already.
Comments and improvments are highly appreciated and the reason im here so please lay them on thick! I wont take any offense :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Looking good. You must be happy as shit with this.That is one big ass carbon filter.
Looking good. You must be happy as shit with this.That is one big ass carbon filter.
Much appreciated its been alot of fun getting going cant wait to really be lost in there!
I had other plans for the system i was going to run and it didnt end up being possible with the electric so i had to go this route cause i already had purchased the filter. Thank god for flanges, The space that thing takes up though is getting to me quickly expecially with the next set of seeds on there way.
Please someone help and let me know what i need to do to help my little ladies out? or if you have any idea what it could be it would be greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Hey man nice setup bro makes mine look ghetto as all hell anyway your plants are looking healthy man I wouldn't worry about the crinkle on the tips might be a PH issue from the Promix their bags sometimes vary and the dolomite doesn't always spread evenly. Causing it to throw the soil PH out all my Plushberry did it but outgrew it and are looking strong as hell now. If you have a PH meter water with a 6.2 ph and measure the runoff water to see where it's at. And adjust from there. Personally I'd just let em go for a couple weeks and see if they outgrow them.
Just a lil update from last night i believe. Hope you guys like them!
Suggestions are always appreciated. I was planning on starting 12/12 1st of October but im beginning to wonder if i should wait another week possibly two just to get some more veg into them and let them grow some more? Would the wait be worth the increased yield? what are your thoughts?



Well-Known Member
Flower em later than oct 1st, wait until like around oct 10th. You dont want them too big but you dont want to lose out on yield!
Nice setup by the way, as for the disfiguration in the leaf, dont stress it will grow out of it in due time
Flower em later than oct 1st, wait until like around oct 10th. You dont want them too big but you dont want to lose out on yield!
Nice setup by the way, as for the disfiguration in the leaf, dont stress it will grow out of it in due time
Im just thinking a lil christmas sensi would be nice maybe some offerings to santa and he can hook it up to!:weed: Honestly with 8 weeks i would still be mint by the 10th i like the suggestion! New growth has all been problem free so im going to contiune on upping the nutes and see where i end up. Check back and lmk if u have any other suggestions.
Everything looks really healthy in there! I noticed your temps at 55 degrees?
I have been keeping them as consitant as possible between 80-75. has been getting up to 83 which im not a fan of but there isnt to much i can do right now. Gota get more power in my room before the AC can get cranking.

General question i have a 8" CF in there and a 6" fan. I had plans to use 8" to help with the heat problem but realized the tent holes were only 6" after i bought it. Would it be worth getting a 8" fan as well and just use a 8"-6" reducer. Would that increase my CFM enough for the investment or would the size reducer and tube reduction of 2" make it all pointless?


Well-Known Member
Im just thinking a lil christmas sensi would be nice maybe some offerings to santa and he can hook it up to!:weed: Honestly with 8 weeks i would still be mint by the 10th i like the suggestion! New growth has all been problem free so im going to contiune on upping the nutes and see where i end up. Check back and lmk if u have any other suggestions.
You should have some nice plants bro a nice frosty christmas haha. They r still young so go easy on nutes, the soil should have enough
in it for a little while longer but if you are going to feed just dilute by 1/4 of the recommended dosage


Well-Known Member
Nice plants! Good and green.
If you just watch them you can tell if 83 is to much but I have let mine get up to 86 but thats during summer and they were fine. There was some hot spots on the leaves but I switched down to 750w when I felt it was staying too hot.

Oh and if you wanna do the reducer from 8 to 6 you won't lose much pull....you will be fine.
Nice plants! Good and green.
If you just watch them you can tell if 83 is to much but I have let mine get up to 86 but thats during summer and they were fine. There was some hot spots on the leaves but I switched down to 750w when I felt it was staying too hot.

Oh and if you wanna do the reducer from 8 to 6 you won't lose much pull....you will be fine.
Im not crazy worried about the temp right now since they are in veg even though its still a concern of mine. With flowering coming soon i just wanna make sure the temp is always right and consistant. 8" Fan will be next! Looking forward to winter as well should help out alot! Thank you for your kind words and advice! Peace
So i started these seeds in distilled h2o September 3rd. went into rapid root trey September 5th. And they all went into there current containers around September 9th/11th. My question is for them having a little over 3weeks are these plants where they need to be height wise. the growth looks very happy and healthy and i have no complaints so far. i have just been checking pictures of alot of other grows(organic) and everyone seems to be taller,bushier,fuller coming into 4th week of veg? Its my first run with organics so im not expecting anything amazing right off the bat just wanna make the most of my garden though! thank you! suggestion/commets highly Appreciated!


So i just got my Stealth RO system hooked up and let my H20 sit out for 24hrs after running it through the system. i am still getting a pH of 7.2 i used it on my plants cause i have dolomite lime in the soil mix but the plants are definently not looking the same as before. I heard you can not use pH down with organics so how do i got about getting my pH down? When i mix nutes in its okay because the pH drops but when doing a plain watering i cant adjust it. Help is pre appreciated thank you!


Well-Known Member
With soil, there is simply no need to pH adjust. No need to measure pH. No need to concern yourself with pH. If the soil is alive, the microbes will set the pH where the plant wants it. If the soil is alive, the plant, not you, will determine the pH. You are not at all in control.

Also, I don't use RO any longer. No need. I use straight well water, and if I had city water and chlorine, I'd add molasses to deal with the Chlorine , etc.
With soil, there is simply no need to pH adjust. No need to measure pH. No need to concern yourself with pH. If the soil is alive, the microbes will set the pH where the plant wants it. If the soil is alive, the plant, not you, will determine the pH. You are not at all in control.

Also, I don't use RO any longer. No need. I use straight well water, and if I had city water and chlorine, I'd add molasses to deal with the Chlorine , etc.
Do you have a link to the molasses for removing the chlorine? do you know if it would also remove Chloramine?