1000 Things to Do While Stoned.


Well-Known Member
No more than 10 per post and keep em number properly try not to repeat....Ill start out with a 10 list.

1. watch Old Black and white monster movies
2. Jump off things
3. Go under water and open your eyes - Its 10x cooler when stoned
4. Get paint ball gun and shoot trains as they go by.
5. Watch History Channel about drugs
6. Walk in the woods during fall or even better, during winter with snow
7. Watch Resivor Dogs its mind boggling when stoned
8. Talk to a Priest Stoned
9. Draw pictures
10. Throw knife at tree.
11. Sex
12. Hackey Sack
13. Watch crazy science shit on t.v.
14. Vidya Games
15. Meditate
16. Butterfly Knives :)
17. Lazers
18. Clean Pipes
19. Walk on the beach
20. Stargaze


Well-Known Member
1. Ride a rollercoaster
2. Blast techno/trance
3. Float down a river on a raft
4. Watch stoner movies
5. Go to Costco
6. Sun tan
7. Chill on back deck
8. Hot tub
9. Talk to your plants
10. Ride a bike


Well-Known Member
I think you missed his point with the numbering....i think he wanted the next one after his to be 11...


Well-Known Member
1.talking to young seedling marijuana

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
No more than 10 per post and keep em number properly try not to repeat....Ill start out with a 10 list.

1. watch Old Black and white monster movies
2. Jump off things
3. Go under water and open your eyes - Its 10x cooler when stoned
4. Get paint ball gun and shoot trains as they go by.
5. Watch History Channel about drugs
6. Walk in the woods during fall or even better, during winter with snow
7. Watch Resivor Dogs its mind boggling when stoned
8. Talk to a Priest Stoned
9. Draw pictures
10. Throw knife at tree.
2 and 10 xD

play a game :)
watch favorite tv shows
go out spending money xD
play with kitten
be on rollitup


New Member
1. Ride a rollercoaster
2. Blast techno/trance
3. Float down a river on a raft
4. Watch stoner movies
5. Go to Costco
6. Sun tan
7. Chill on back deck
8. Hot tub
9. Talk to your plants
10. Ride a bike
my favourite one would be going to costco XD just looking up at the fucking huge isles XD hahahaha and just fucking around eating the food at the stands ;)


Well-Known Member
Go snowboarding
Visit the animals at animal shelter
adopt a pet
try a new restaraunt
drive to a place at night to watch the stars
Use night vision goggles to spot UFOs
play frisbee golf
Go bowling
try a new bar
Play pool


Well-Known Member
welp the idea of the thread went to hell LOL....so have at it......was just suppose to be a continueing list no side talk and numbered in order.........lol........Stoners are trippy hell we wouldnt be stoners if we could follow the rules LOL.......

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
Anybody ever stick their junk in one of those dyson insanity hand dryers? I wanna give it a go, just to see what it feels like.



Active Member
Bump some radio, preferably Kfi
Throw on some porn
Thinking about random shiiettt
Chillin oon a bean bag
Watching an Imax Movie
Drink a beer



Active Member
go to a super chill concert
listen to muse's "knights of cydonia" seriously...do it when you have the time.
have sex. a lot of sex.
smoke a cigarette after smoking a blunt or two
toke n ride around with friends (me and 3 friends of mine would always ride the backroads after classes let out and pass around 3 blunts and listen to music/shoot the shit.)
eat legit mexican food.
watch south park.
listen to the beatles..i understand their lyrics when im realllly baked or at least i think i do lol
listen to ska and jump on a trampoline.
GO SWIMMING IN A POOL (during the summer me and some friends always go swimming after smoking a few blunts..all i do is hold the side of the pool and float....i call it "being one with the water"...its amazing..you feel weightless.)
play mario kart
go 4 wheeling
ride roller coasters
get tatted up :')